Семейная жизнь

Here let's discuss such a problem, for the first time I encounter such a thing to write, ask for advice from people I don't know at all, of course everything is incognito.in general, according to the situation,I met a girl, fell in love with each other,the year flew by unnoticeably and I made her an offer on March 8 as expected,she agreed and now we are husband and wife,wanted to start a family,she agreed by giving me a child everything was fine,but with the birth of the child she seemed to have been replaced, she began to cling to little things such as I did not close the curtain, I did not take her pillow, I did not put a chair behind me,I threw out the garbage,but you ch. M. Oh, because I didn't put a new package in the bucket and so every day,I didn't meet her from the store because I was sitting with a small child, etc. it seems like everything is for her,hugging,kissing attention every day, and she doesn't climb, and then complains to her parents that there is no attention from me as such,housecleaning,cooking,washing,babysitter with a child, etc. I do,and in response I don't help with anything,I work and coming from the night,when again in the night, you can't sleep with the child,and how to work then can't you let a person sleep, as a result, these quarrels every day , diverged for a week at most and then kicked out with things more than once and herself to her parents under the wing, and we break through the defense and apologize, taking all the blame on ourselves, we give in!e and we are a family,but the last quarrel over garbage,what difference does it make where to throw it out, turned into a car because she had flaws that needed to be corrected,but you can't be with friends,you can't at the station,and when you can't,she doesn't know,she said to my car anyway, when she had everything in a tight fit and eventually touched again,maybe accidentally spat at me while driving,made a remark, didn't like it and just like a camel started spitting in the face, what was thinking I don't know,we're driving behind a baby, and suddenly what, so here I couldn't stand it he stopped and spat in response and all the tears and hands flew back at me, well, he waved her away and hit her on the cheek, you beat everything,spit, go away,threatens to divorce,does not allow me to see the child,I call, write ignores,I can't stay mad at her for a long time, but I don't know it's easier to let her go and leave or ask for forgiveness again, I'm to blame, hit her on the cheek and spit,she does not recognize anything that happened and again ran away to her parents and told me to collect things, who thinks what? I really don't know anymore, you see, I bother her with calls, SMS, visits, well, I want to keep my family, I need to look for a reason, and it's easier for her to ignore it completely and keep silent.what do you say what to do? I wrote complete nonsense here in my opinion

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