10 facts about the human body that seem fantastic

1. Sweat does not have a bad smell


You probably won't believe this, because it only takes a sniff to disprove our assertion. And then, if sweat is odorless, why does mankind invent all sorts of deodorants and lotions?


In fact, it is true that sweat itself does not smell at all, since it consists mainly of water. But it also contains acids secreted by apocrine glands in the armpits, chest and groin. The bacteria living on your skin decompose Sweating and Body Odor these acids, and their products give off an unpleasant odor.


2. The eyes see the world upside down.


The physicist René Descartes proved this as early as the 17th century. He projected on a paper screen an image from a carved bull's eye, and it was upside down - in accordance with all the laws of physics The Study of the Wonderful: The First Topographical Mapping of Vision in the Brain. The fact is that light refracts as it passes through the cornea and lens, so the projection of the visible object is reversed Vision as it is.


Why then do we not see the world upside down? The fact is that our brain reverses The Study of the Wonderful: The First Topographical Mapping of Vision in the Brain, making it match reality (and gluing the images from two retinas into one).


In the 1890s psychologist George Stratton conducted an experiment SOME PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS ON VISION WITHOUT INVERSION OF THE RETINAL IMAGE, How do we see things upright if the image formed on the retina in our eye is an inverted one? . He put on special glasses that invert the image and wore them for eight days. On the fifth day his brain simply stopped correcting the picture, and Stratton began to see the world normally again. True, his brain had to readjust when he took them off.


3. You are inhabited by three kilograms of bacteria.


If you think that you are the only inhabitant of your body, you are mistaken. The number of bacteria living in the human body is three times more than Are We Really Vastly Outnumbered? Revisiting the Ratio of Bacterial to Host Cells in Humans the number of his own cells. Except that they weigh rather little compared to your skeleton, muscles, and viscera Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body, NIH Human Microbiome Project defines normal bacterial makeup of the body - about 1-3 kg (for a 170 cm tall and 70 kg person).


Besides, not only bacteria, but also archaea, fungi, protists and viruses live in you. Some of them do really useful things, like participate in digestion and protect you from pathogens and harmful substances. Others just exist without bothering you. And others are busy with obscure things. Live with it now.


4. Humans produce cyanide.


Sodium, potassium and hydrogen cyanides are substances The Facts About Cyanides , which kill quickly by preventing the body's cells from absorbing oxygen. Cyanide has been used for centuries as a poison, a poison against pests, and even as a chemical weapon. Taking 0.1 gram of it is enough to kill a man weighing 70 kilograms.


All the more surprising is that humans constantly ingest cyanide in small doses, for example with apples and spinach. Moreover, cyanide is produced by breathing! At any given moment, a healthy person contains The Facts About Cyanides, HYDROGEN CYANIDE AND CYANIDES: HUMAN HEALTH ASPECTS in themselves up to 50 micrograms of this substance per 100 grams of tissue. However, it does not accumulate in cells and is quickly excreted with urine and respiration.


5. There are more blood types than four


If you were asked how many blood types there are in the world, you would probably say: four Blood Type Test, Inheriting a Child's Blood Type . You probably learned this in school. First (0) is found in 44% of the world's population, second (A) in 42%, third (B) in 10% and fourth (AB) in 4%.


Well, that's not exactly true. In fact, there are 29 blood groups in the world. At least that's what the Blood Groups in Infection and Host Susceptibility have been counted by the International Society of Blood Transfusion. The AB0 and Rhesus antigens, which distinguish those four, are not the only ones; there are others. And many of them are named after patients in whom the corresponding antibodies were first detected. And it is quite possible that new ones will appear in the future.


6. Wet wrinkled fingers are beneficial


Have you been lounging in the tub or pool and your fingers are getting wrinkly? It's for a reason. Scientists believe Why your skin goes wrinkly in the bath, Science gets a grip on wrinkly fingers , that when you get very wet, your body engages a special mechanism and makes your fingers so they can better grip wet objects.


If you're drowning in a river and trying to grasp a branch, or leaning against trees when you slip on wet ground in heavy rain, wrinkles in the skin of your fingers allow you to do so more effectively. A gripping tale: scientists claim to have discovered why skin wrinkles in water , conducted at Newcastle University, found that people with water wrinkled skin on their toes and feet are better able to stay on slippery floors.


7. It's impossible to tickle yourself


When someone else tickles you, you may twitch, laugh, or lash out. But try tickling yourself, and you won't succeed.


Tickle is thought to have evolved as a defense against insects, spiders, and other unpleasant creatures that crawl on people and can hurt them. If someone else tickles you, it is also perceived as a threat. But if you tickle yourself Why is it impossible to tickle yourself? yourself, the body will not give out a reaction, because it will understand that it is doing it to itself.


But if you feel funny or uncomfortable about tickling yourself, that's not a good sign, which could be a sign of Can't Tickle Yourself? That's a Good Thing is schizophrenia or damage to the cerebellum.


8. Women's hearts beat faster.


If you're a woman, know this: your heart beats faster Does a woman's heart beat faster?, Why a woman's heart beats faster than a man's 78-82 times per minute versus 70-72 times for men. This is because female sex hormones affect myocardial cells, speeding up their contraction. True, this is nothing to be especially proud of, because because of this feature, women more often suffer from tachycardia and arrhythmia than a man's heart beats faster than a man's.


9. Humans produce a bottle of saliva a day.


Your salivary glands produce two to six cups of saliva per day - 0.5 to 1.5 liters. You still don't choke on it, because you reflexively swallow it all the time.


But at night it is quite possible, because people do not know how to swallow in their sleep. And so that you don't choke, the body reduces the amount of saliva it produces. So when you wake up in the morning, you usually feel dry in your mouth.


10. People are made of stars


You may well have hear this interesting statement by Lawrence Krauss - quotes :


Every atom of your body came from an exploding star. And perhaps the atoms of your left hand belonged to another star, not the one from which the atoms of your right hand came. This is the most poetic thing I know about physics: we are all made of stardust. You wouldn't be here if the stars hadn't exploded, because the chemical elements-carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, everything you need for the birth of evolution and for life-were not created in the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of the stars, and the stars had to explode to become your bodies. So forget about Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.


Lawrence Maxwell Krauss, physicist.


It's True The Elements of Life Mapped Across the Milky Way by SDSS/APOGEE, Humans Really Are Made of Stardust, and a New Study Proves It . The six most abundant elements of life on Earth, which make up over 97% of the mass of the human body, are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. They were all born in the process of nuclear fusion in stars billions of years ago - before the sun and the solar system were formed.


So yes, you are made of stars. And you are also made of them all the world around you-all the people, animals, objects, mountains, seas, and air.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead