10 Interesting facts about Apple Inc

1. Did you notice that every Apple promotional image displays the time as 9:41 Am the time steve jobs unveiled tthe original iPhone.


2. There is actually clause in Apple's cureent Terms & Conditions that specifies you're not allowed to use their products to build nuclear missiles or biological weapons.


3. Smoking around Apple products can technically void your warranty. cigarettes contain nicotine and because nicotine is classed as hazardous Apple won't force it's employees to expose themselves to it so even if something breaks they've been known to refuse repairs


4. Apple Company makes over $ 300,000 of revenue a minute. In 2011 Apple overtook the US Government in terms of cash in hand.


5. Siri was actually released as a standalone App on Apple's App Store and was originally planned to come to both Android and even Blackberyy that is until Apple intercepted this by acquiring Siri and building it exclusively into their own Devices and the Voice of Siri ended up being a Lady called Susan Bennett but was very nearly Jeff Goldblum an Actor Famous for his roles in whole number of Films. 


6. Apple company also had a few intresting Projects,

             They were one of the First in the world to make a digital color camera at a time when people were taking Photos and they were used to waiting an entire week before they could actually see them after they would develope. 



             They developed a Gaming Console called the Pippin, it's kind of amazing that we're talking about a $600 box which your current smartphone might well be 10,000 time more powerful.


             They also launched clothing line. It was launched in 1986. 


7. 2007 the iPhone is unveiled but you might not know that the trademark for iPhone and iOS were actually not owned by Apple but by a Networking Company called Cisco and Apple's just been paying them for a License.


8. An iPhone is built as many as 75 elements that is 2/3 of the entire periodic table.


9. Apple's first product was not a Smartphone it wasn't an iPod it was a computer called The Apple 1. 


10. Apple and Samsung even with their entire history of suing each other are actually pretty codependent you might know that the OLED Displays we've seen on some iPhones are from Samsung.


That's the list of 10 Intresting Facts about Apple Inc.

If you know any other Intresting Facts about Apple then comment down.


Thank you for reading till here, Have a Good Day!

Mindfukz - Mar 12, 2022, 6:55 PM - Add Reply

comment if you want 2nd Part😄

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