10 plants that reduce the risk of diabetes

Research that has been done from time to time by major universities has shown that herbs, many of which are found in our kitchens, help to reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes by up to 27%. It is, as scientists say, the answer... provided by nature itself to control blood glucose and has been adopted over time by many cultures.

1. Aloe

Aloe is one of the best-known herbs for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, one of which is diabetes. Medical research has shown that the administration of aloe reduces glucose levels in diabetics. This theory was also experimentally proven when patients who were not dependent on insulin were given a teaspoon of aloe a day for a period of 14 weeks. The results of the tests done afterwards showed that their blood glucose had dropped by 45% without any change in their weight.

2. Marjoram

This was the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of Georgia in the US after a study of the herbs sold in supermarkets. Its action is very strong in preventing the glycosylation of proteins. This is the process associated with the appearance of the most important complications faced by those suffering from diabetes, namely the diabetic foot and problems in the cardiovascular system.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is mainly consumed as a spice in food and sweets; it is available in the form of an essential oil, and it is also used to make a decoction. The latest studies have shown that a spoonful of cinnamon a day can reduce sugar levels in those suffering from type 2 diabetes. This is because cinnamon bases its action on a substance called a water-soluble polyphenol that mimics the action of insulin. However, it must be consumed in controlled doses because its action can affect the effectiveness of medication.

4. Garlic

Garlic has been considered, for 5,000 years, an herb that strengthens and revitalizes the body, protecting it from many diseases. Diabetes is one of them. Research has shown that, thanks to its antioxidant activity, garlic provides protection against the degenerative vascular diseases caused by diabetes. The chances of diabetes-related diseases like retinopathy, neuropathy, and diabetic nephropathy can be reduced by consuming garlic.

5. Oats

Oats are considered by many scientists to be the healthiest choice compared to other cereals. Its action is attributed to its extremely high content of plant fibers. It is typical that just half a cup of oats contains 4 grams of fiber. This results in more satisfactorily regulating the metabolism of the hydrocarbons we consume. It also significantly improves insulin resistance, a pathological condition that, in an advanced stage, can lead to the appearance of type 2 diabetes.

6. Carrot

Until a few years ago, the prevailing opinion was that the carrot was completely unsuitable for diabetics because the sugars contained in it were metabolized very quickly. This theory has completely collapsed, as it has been proven that its glycemic load is low and, therefore, its consumption has no risk to the health of diabetics. Although the carrot does not contain any substance that "targets" the regulation of insulin, its nutrients are so important that they help the patient strengthen his body's defenses.

7. Cabbage

Of all the green leafy vegetables, cabbage is the one that constitutes a "shield" for the body in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. A study carried out by the scientific team of the University of Lancaster and published in the authoritative medical journal British Medical Journal showed that eating one and a half servings of cabbage a day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 14%. These properties of cabbage are attributed by scientists to the antioxidant substances and the high levels of magnesium it contains.

8. Apple

The apple contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and many other nutrients that help the body prevent and deal with a large number of diseases. Diabetes is one of these diseases, mainly thanks to its content of flavonoids that inhibit enzymes such as -amylase and -glucosidase, resulting in a reduction of glucose absorbed by the body. In addition, the polyphenols contained in the apple reduce the absorption of glucose, help prevent sugar spikes, and activate the cells of the pancreas that secrete insulin.

9. Nuts

Nuts contain unsaturated fats that can improve glucose metabolism and insulin action. A study by Harvard University scientists of more than 80,000 women showed that those of them who consumed 30 grams of nuts five times a week were 27% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Women who consumed 30 grams of nuts one to four times a week were 16% less likely, while even consuming peanut butter reduced the risk by 21%.

10. Ginseng


In Far Eastern medicine, which relies heavily on herbal administration, ginseng is considered one of the most effective drugs for treating diabetes. Its main therapeutic effect is to enhance the release of insulin from the pancreas. At the same time, it increases the number of insulin receptors. This action of ginseng results in an immediate reduction of blood sugar levels.


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