10 products for detox that will activate your metabolism and improve your skin

Life in the big city is a real challenge for our body: constant stress, bad ecology and improper nutrition. To preserve your beauty and health in these conditions, you need to regularly get rid of the byproducts of this lifestyle - toxins and waste products. To give your body a complete cleaning, it's enough to do at least once a week a day of discharge on juices. Even one detox day will help you to cleanse yourself of all excess and get your digestive system working, improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails, and as a nice bonus from such unloading - up to minus two pounds a day.


One of the most effective products for cleansing the body is lemon. It is no coincidence that no detox program can do without it, we recommend starting every morning with a glass of water with lemon. This healthy drink stimulates digestion, improves blood circulation and promotes better digestion and assimilation of food. Also, lemon is rich in potassium and vitamin C, which is also called a "detox vitamin" because it helps to flush toxins and impurities out of the body faster, along with excess water. And, of course, lemon boosts the immune system and is indispensable during the exacerbation of respiratory diseases.


If the lemon can be called the king of detox, then the beet is certainly its queen. It contains a lot of pectins, which help to eliminate harmful substances from the body. In addition, beets are rich in vitamin C and various minerals. For example, beets are high in potassium, which is good for muscle function, and manganese, an essential element for bone, liver and kidney health. It also contains iodine, magnesium salts and chlorine, which is good for cleansing the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.


Carrots are also one of the main helpers in cleansing the body. It helps in cleansing the kidneys and improves the intestinal tract, it is also very useful for the skin. The shock cocktail of vitamin A and beta-carotene hydrates the skin and helps to repair damaged cells faster, and also helps to get a beautiful tan and keep it longer. A combination of carrot and beet juice is great for detox. This natural tandem contains a lot of natural antioxidants, easily digestible iron and a lot of potassium, which are good for the circulatory system.


The beneficial properties of ginger have been known since ancient times. This useful product contains vitamins C, B1, B2, A, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium and potassium. Also ginger is famous for its medicinal properties, it is also called a natural antibiotic, because when used regularly, it helps to clean the body of harmful microorganisms, strengthen the immune system and even has a pain-relieving effect. And, of course, ginger is an excellent product for detox, it not only stimulates the digestion, but also helps to eliminate toxins with sweat through the skin.

Cayenne pepper

This detox product should be used very carefully, because cayenne pepper is considered the spiciest and one of the most useful spices. It works quickly and effectively, making our body work. Cayenne pepper has an immediate stimulating effect and speeds up the metabolism, it purifies the blood and has a beneficial effect on the vascular system, preventing the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques.


Grapefruit is known as a weight loss product, it is also great for cleansing the body of toxins and even carcinogens. Grapefruit juice lowers insulin and cholesterol levels in the blood. It is very useful for the liver, because it starts detoxification processes in it. Regular consumption of grapefruit improves the overall condition of the skin, makes it firmer and helps in the fight against cellulite.


Pineapple helps our body to get rid of toxins and fats faster, it improves digestion and helps to clear the blood of cholesterol. It is high in vitamins C, A and B, and most importantly, pineapple juice contains the enzyme bromelain. This natural enzyme destroys pathogenic bacteria, relieves cramps, helps relax muscles, and speeds up the digestion process.


Apple juice is great for detoxifying the body; it attacks toxins and toxins from all angles. First, it normalizes metabolism and helps you lose excess weight. Secondly, apple fiber perfectly cleanses the intestines and has a beneficial effect on the microflora, helping to better absorb healthy vegetable and fruit dishes. Thirdly, the natural apple acid destroys pathogenic bacteria.


Celery is a natural diuretic. It actively eliminates toxins and detoxes, and helps restore the balance of electrolytes. If you eat celery regularly, the digestive system improves and you can forget about such troubles as constipation, flatulence, stomach cramps and heartburn.


Orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, it has a general tonic effect on the whole body, fills it with strength and energy and even has a rejuvenating effect. It helps the body develop resistance against infectious diseases as well as getting rid of anti-inflammatory free radicals from the blood. Orange in general promotes blood cleansing and lowers cholesterol levels.


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