10 signs you are in a relationship with a narcissist

Here are 10 signs you are dealing with a narcissist in your relationship. Speaking of personal experience it can kill you inside and leave you emotionally, financially and physically drained.

Number one, they have no empathy for anyone. They don't care if you in pain, sick or emotional. Their needs come first and if they want attention you have to give it no matter how you feel. They will make you feel bad for not meeting their needs.

Number two, what they do and what they say is two different things. Always look at what they do because narcissists loves to manipulate a situation.

Number three, they love to criticize you infront of others and when you are alone together. But they hate being criticized because in their world they are perfect. Walk away and don't seem approval from them. They will learn that they get less attention when they criticize.

Number four, they only do things for their own gain and will never consider your input or needs.

Number five, they only want success for themselves. You will never grow in a narcissistic relationship as this is one of their tactics to hold power over you and keep you dependent on them.

Number six, narcissist are extremely controlling. They want to control finances and your time. a narcissist will love bomb you and once he has you in his web. He will slowly start breaking you down and taking control of your life. Making you feel like every thing you do is wrong. They will slowly take away your independence. 

Number seven, they ignore boundaries but you must respect theirs and they will start mentally doing thing or saying thing and when you check them on it. They will make like it never happened or they never said it. Making you feel like you are going crazy.  Trust your instincts and your gut feeling, it will never lead you wrong.

Number eight, narcissist never see their flaws, they are never wrong. If they did something to you it's because you deserve it or you made them a narcissist. You can not make someone a narcissist. You don't deserve it.

Number nine, they always throw what they do for you in your face. Ask you many questions when you ask for help making you feel worthless and pathetic. They always better than you like you were a lost cause and they helped you into a better life.  You are not worthless or pathetic, you are strong and deserve so many beautiful blessings in life.

Number ten, they will use other people to make you feel jealous and unworthy of their time.  Usually having affairs and when you talk about it. Make you the bad guy or crazy. 

Do not give them that power.


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