10 tips to improve your phone battery to last longer

How To Improve Battery

How to Improve Android Battery Timing?

1. Reduce screen brightness

2. Don't use live Wallpaper

3. Use Black wallpaper or black screen.

4. Remove Home screen widgets that you don't


5. Keep your battery away from extreme heat.

6. Turn off auto Sync.

7. Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use.

8. Disable haptic feedback.

9. Turn off location services.

To turn off location in services:

Tap Setting->Location Services

Unlock all the boxes available.

10. Disable auto updates for widgets.

To disable a widget's automatic updates:

Open the widget and press Menu-> Settings.

Tap on auto fresh and choose none.

If you cant customize the widget and it's some-

thing you can live without, we suggest you to re-

move it from the Home screen. To do that: Press

and hold down the widget until it is highlighted.

Drag the widget to the trash icon to remove it

from the Home screen.


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I go by the name Asante Precious. I'm a freelance writer with many writing and contents creating experience

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