10 unique facts about India

-India has more than 32 sites protected by UNESCO

There's the beautiful Taj Mahal and the famous mountain railroads in Shimla. As well as many natural monuments


-India is the most vegetarian country in the world.

Approximately 40% of the population is vegetarian. Most are Hindu.


-India is the second most English-speaking country in the world.

Official national language is Hindi. English is considered the second language in the state.


-The richest temple is in India.

Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala holds countless treasures. This Hindu temple contains many chambers sealed hundreds of years ago. According to legend they are full of gold and precious stones, but they can open only when India is on the verge of a global cataclysm. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of jewels and coins were indeed inside.


-The biggest family lives in India.

This is the family of Zion Chan of Mizoram state. The man has 39 wives who have given him 94 children + 39 grandchildren. They all live together.


-One of the longest overhead bridges is in India.

This architectural marvel was built in Mumbai in 2010. The same company that Chirag's brother now works for. The bridge is 5.6 km long.


-India has all the major world religions

The bulk of Indians are Hindu, but the country also has many Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Jews, Sikhs and many other religions


-Unique stepped wells

There are amazing stepped wells in the arid regions of India. I have a tour of such a well in my anchor post.


-India has the rainiest village

Mausinram in the northwest of the country, with more than 11,000 mm of rainfall each year. Amazing bridges grow here made of living trees that are woven together by roots and branches and can be walked on


-Khari Baoli Market is the largest and oldest spice market in the world. Here you can find any spice, spice, nut or herb that exists in the world


Which one of these facts did you not know? What seemed most surprising?


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