10 Ways to Beat a Craving for Sweets

If a craving for sweets occurs, it means that the body is lacking something. Usually cravings are caused by a lack of nutrients, but they can also occur for emotional reasons. In order to overcome a sweet tooth addiction, you must first focus on a healthy diet consisting of natural, wholesome foods. The more whole and fresh foods we eat, the more nutrients our bodies get - and the less we crave sweets.


Take note of 10 simple tips to help reduce cravings for sweets.


1. Eat foods high in magnesium.


These include dark leafy vegetables, cocoa beans, nuts and seeds, brown rice, quinoa and avocados. Cravings for sweets can be the result of a magnesium deficiency in the body.

2. Choose foods rich in chromium


Don't forget broccoli, sweet potatoes, apples, whole grains, and organic eggs. Chromium regulates sugar and cholesterol levels and helps reduce the need for sweets.


3. pay attention to foods containing zinc


Zinc is abundant in whole grains, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, organic eggs and oysters. Zinc is necessary for insulin production, and its deficiency can cause a desire to eat sweets.

4. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom to your meals


Not only will these spices naturally sweeten foods, but they will also help balance blood sugar levels and reduce "sweet tooth" addiction.


5. Consume fermented foods


Start eating fermented vegetables. Sour foods help naturally reduce cravings for sweets and at the same time contain probiotics that support digestive health.


6. Make sure you are providing your body with healthy fats.


They are satiating and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. Healthy fats are found in avocados, nuts and seeds, coconut oil and olive oil, read more about fats here. Try adding coconut oil to your diet. It is a source of the saturated fat we need in a healthy way. You can cook with coconut oil (stew vegetables, use it in baked goods) or add it to smoothies.

7. Reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods


Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the body and can lead to mineral deficiencies. Processed foods are high not only in sugar, but also in salt, which also provokes cravings. But don't go to extremes. Sometimes you can afford a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Moderation is important.


8. Use unrefined ("raw") apple cider vinegar.


Because apple cider vinegar helps maintain a balance of yeast fungi and bacteria in the digestive system that require sugar to feed them, drinking it can help reduce the need for sugar. Add 1 tablespoon of such vinegar to your morning glass of water. I do this regularly using homemade apple cider vinegar.


9. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly


When we are tired, we often start eating sweets. Regular exercise and healthy sleep fill us up with energy and help us fight stress. I know for a fact that if I don't get enough sleep, I will think about sweets all day long.


10. Manage your stress and emotions.


Take time more often to nourish your body, mind and soul, and remember that stress is not caused by external factors, but by how we perceive life situations.


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