22 incredible facts about animals

The volume of owls' eye sockets is almost entirely occupied by the eyeball, which is why they cannot rotate their eyes and see only what is in front of them. But they can turn their head as much as 360 degrees! .  

The only animal on the planet with two rows of teeth on its tongue is the hagfish. These vulgarly beautiful heartworms grow up to 70 centimeters and eat the insides of fish (yes, including the heart).

Predators (like your cat peacefully napping on the keyboard) have eyes in the front to see their prey in time. And herbivores have eyes on their sides, so that they can see the approaching predator in time to be startled.  

The octopus has a rectangular pupil, which gives it a full 340-degree view. A human, by the way, has only 190 degrees.

Pandas have no special place to sleep, neither a bed nor a nest. So they fall asleep wherever they happen to be when they are tired. And if they fall asleep the moment they climb a tree, well, so be it.

A dolphin doesn't just sleep with one eye open-it sleeps with one working "duty" hemisphere of its brain! While the dolphin dreams about discovering that he is not wearing pants during a dolphin show, the "duty" hemisphere makes sure that the dolphin takes a breath in time to avoid drowning.

An albatross can sleep while flying. The bird operates on the same principle as a dolphin: in flight, the albatross has one half of its brain resting, while the other half makes sure that it stays in the air and does not fly into the turbine of the plane.

Sea otters (sea otters) hold each other's paws when they sleep, so that they are not carried away by the current.

Swiss law forbids keeping one guinea pig in the house. Only a couple, because the guinea pig is a social animal. And if one individual dies, the Swiss must urgently buy her a friend. This is how the Swiss are enslaved to guinea pigs.

In Finland, up to 4,000 reindeer have been killed each year under the wheels of cars. That's in the past. Resourceful foresters came up with the idea of spraying reindeer antlers with a reflective liquid.

A mouse burned down a house in New Mexico. Not that he did it of his own free will. Just that the homeowner threw it into the furnace, and the mouse had no choice but to jump out of the fire and spread the flames all over the shack. Serves him right. No use hurting the defenseless.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German authorities forbade the Danes of North Friesland to fly the Danish flag. "Ah so!" - the Danes exclaimed (in German) and bred a breed of pigs suspiciously similar to the flag. And to turn suspicion into confidence, they named the breed "Danish Protest Pig.

When an accident took away James White's legs, a railroad track signalman from the South African town of Eitenhage, he decided that no one would take his job away from him. James, who had to sit in a wheelchair, got a bear cub, Jack, and trained him to change hands on command. Jack worked under James for nine years without making a single mistake.

Of all the magnificent mammals on Earth, only humans and dolphins have sex not only for reproduction, but also for pleasure. Whether the female dolphin tells the male dolphin about how her day went, scientists still haven't figured out.

In general, birds do not have a penis (yes, even males!). They reproduce this way: the male presses his cloaca tightly against the female's cloaca and injects a portion of sperm into it. An exception is the Argentine marmot.

Male kalans court very nicely, but just before mating, they bite the female's nose until it bleeds. Therefore, a female kalan who has recently had the carelessness to mate with a male is easily recognized by her bleeding nose.

Even in the first seconds after birth, a baby giraffe understands that life is not easy. When a giraffe cub is born, it immediately falls from a height of two meters, because giraffes selflessly give birth standing up.

During the mating season, which lasts several days, lions mate up to 40 times a day.

The killer whale, though a relative of the dolphin, can cold-bloodedly deal with a shark by strangling it!

Stanislavski would never yell "I don't believe it!" to a possum that had pretended to be dead. When the possum is frightened, he lies on his side, closes his eyes, bleeds from his nose, and generally plays the dead man masterfully. And when the danger, having photographed him with the bottle, leaves, the possum magically comes to life. There's even an English expression for playing possum, "pretending to be nothing.

The sloth prefers not to go down to the ground idly: there are a lot of unpleasant animals that are trying to eat him. But once every two weeks, he still crawls imposingly down the trunk to, what the hell, poop. Why not do it in a tree? Biologists don't understand.

Coyotes and American badgers are big fans of hunting together. They are targeted by gluttonous meadow dogs, which, upon seeing the deadly pair from afar, scramble into their burrows. The badger scrambles after them and chases the doggie right out at the coyote. The doggie is finished.


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