5 foods for thyroid health

Disruption of the full functioning of the thyroid gland is usually associated with a deficiency in the body of nutrients: vitamins and minerals. With minor disruptions in the endocrine system, a person feels constant lethargy, decreased performance, memory impairment.


Further weakening leads to serious pathologies. For example, the formation of goiter, swelling, weight gain or a sharp decrease in body weight with increased appetite, sleep disturbances, irascibility and irritability, high temperature.


Endocrinologists identify several causes of thyroid disease. Among them, a special place is given to unbalanced nutrition, which leads to a lack of important trace elements in the body. In fact, this organ of the endocrine system “fades away” without receiving a full-fledged "recharge" from the outside. The synthesis of hormones T3 and T4 is sharply reduced, which leads to the development of a whole bunch of chronic pathologies. Various medications are used to treat thyroid diseases.


However, for the prevention of diseases, endocrinologists are advised to periodically take multivitamin complexes with trace elements in the form of food supplements.


Vitamins for the thyroid gland

Stable feeding of the endocrine system with hormones is provided by the following vitamin groups:


Retinol (A) - is responsible for protein biosynthesis. Vitamin A group has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improves the condition of the mucous membranes, bones and teeth. Retinol strengthens nails and hair, relieves puffiness and flabbiness of the skin, and has a good effect on vision. Usually, for prophylaxis, the complex "A" + "E" is attributed to enhance the positive effect of the impact.

Vitamins B6, B12 - pyridoxine and cobalamin. Vitamin B group accelerates metabolic processes. Increased metabolism prevents the appearance of goiter, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Cholecalciferol (D) - comes from food and is also synthesized in the skin when exposed to moderate amounts of UV rays. Deficiency of this compound leads to the disease hypothyroidism (long-term lack of hormones T3 and T4). Endocrinologists recommend eating foods high in this substance or taking vitamin supplements periodically.

Antioxidants This group includes tocopherol (E). Vitamin supplements based on this compound are very popular in cosmetology. They slow down the aging process, relieve skin puffiness, smooth wrinkles. Tocopherol improves the absorption of iodine compounds by cells. He is also credited along with the "A" group for the mutual amplification of the effect. However, doctors advise not to abuse the intake of tocopherol, since its excess with a lack of selenium causes hypothyroidism.


In addition to vitamin complexes, the health of the thyroid gland depends on the presence of trace elements in the body. Important minerals include:


Iron is a trace element that affects the level of hemoglobin in a person's blood. The normal iron content helps to steadily transport oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body. As with antioxidants "E", excess or lack of the mineral leads to problems with the endocrine system, in particular, causes hyperthyroidism.


Selenium is a trace element, without which the production of hormones T3 and T4 is impossible. This mineral protects organs from oxidation, improves metabolism, controls growth and supports reproductive function in men. Lack of selenium leads to diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis - problems with the immune system.


Iodine - without this trace element, the endocrine system will not be able to fully function. The mineral participates in metabolic processes and in the synthesis of more than 100 enzymes, regulates the body's water-salt balance. The lack of an element leads to the formation of goiter and the development of hypothyroidism, impairs intellectual abilities. An excess of iodine compounds leads to poisoning of the body.


Thyroid Disease Foods

To reduce the risk of endocrine system pathologies, doctors recommend a diet with substances important for thyroid health. For the prevention of diseases and the treatment of the organ, it is necessary to include foods in the diet:


Feijoa and persimmon - these iodine-containing fruits can be eaten at any time of the year. Fruits are also rich in sodium, magnesium and iron. In addition, persimmon and feijoa are a storehouse of vitamin A, C and P.

Fresh seafood is mussels, crabs, fish, lobsters, shrimps, squids, etc. The same iodine products as persimmon and feijoa. Contains zinc, fatty acids, phosphorus, protein, B12. People who love seafood have strong immunity, their endocrine system is regularly fueled by important hormones.

Seaweed is the primary source of iodine compounds. What prevention of endocrine diseases would do without this ingredient? It is enough to eat 70-100 grams of seaweed per day for the body to stably produce thyroid hormones. It also contains phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and a number of other beneficial minerals.

Red fish - salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon and any red meat contain tyrosine. This substance helps to synthesize the necessary hormones. If the diet is up towith enough red fish, then calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, phosphorus enter the body. In addition, fish liver is a source of selenium.

Spinach, onions - strengthen the immune system, and are also natural antioxidants. In addition, spinach contains a unique set of trace minerals important for endocrine health. These are phosphorus, zinc, iodide compounds, sodium, manganese and others.

It should also be noted the benefits of apples, berries and nuts for all body systems. Pine and walnuts are rich in iodine compounds. Apples and blueberries contain antioxidant substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.


Harmful products

Endocrinologists don't just talk about a balanced and proper diet. According to WHO statistics, over 670 million people in the world suffer from various forms of hyperthyroidism, and more than 1.7 billion are at risk of contracting endocrine system pathologies. Almost 70% of this number love and eat junk food every day. This is a reason - to think!


What kind of food you need to give up in case of problems with the thyroid gland:


Sugar. All popular and cheap food contains incredible amounts of sugar. These are sweet and carbonated drinks, pastries, cakes, sweets and more. There is more harm than good from such food. Autoimmune diseases and diabetes mellitus are caused by uncontrolled consumption of sweets. With such a diet, the level of hormones decreases, almost all systems are overloaded, the body does not perceive insulin.

Fried and fatty foods contain unhealthy trans fats. If you love eating fried foods, try adding more greens, fish, and seaweed to your diet. In case of obvious problems with the endocrine system, the consumption of fried foods should be reduced and even excluded, because it reduces the production of hormones T3 and T4.

Gluten is a substance (gluten) found in cereals and causes great harm to a healthy body. Foods high in gluten cause autoimmune disorders such as Addison's disease, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypothyroidism. Gluten is found in baked goods, premium wheat bread, etc.

Semi-finished products, fast food, preservatives - all this food cannot be called useful for human health and the endocrine system.

As for alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and strong tea, they should also be excluded from the diet in case of problems with the production of hormones T3 and T4. A healthy person can afford to drink coffee or wine in moderation, but with pathologies of the immune system, such "weaknesses" will lead to serious complications.



Proper diet, physical activity and vitamin complexes are the three pillars of endocrine health. We told you what food is desirable to include in the daily diet, and which one is better to refuse. We recommend buying multivitamin complexes, and even more medications for treatment only after consulting an endocrinologist. The specialist will also help you choose a special diet, monitor the results of treatment or prevention.


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