5 habits of rich people that help you get rich - anyone can repeat,

"You have to know how to make money" - how often have you heard that phrase? The rich really are all alike in some way. For example, their lifestyle and habits that help them stay on top. The good news is that you can do that, too.


Everyone strives to prosper, but some do, and some can't even make it into the middle class in a lifetime. Researchers assure - it's all about a special type of thinking rich people. They have their own rules, which should be followed if you strive for financial independence. Often these tips are not only about money habits, but also about radical lifestyle changes.


Habit #1 - Use Personal Charm


Those who can be found on Forbes lists work hard on their skills, including charm. Yes, charisma is also a skill that everyone cultivates in themselves through hands-on practice. 


The main tip tip you can learn from wealthy people is to use non-verbal signs in communication, such as sign language. This trick not only makes the image and speech brighter, but also helps to keep the attention of the interlocutor or an audience of listeners. This trick is resorted to by the modern genius Elon Musk, as well as at one time practiced by Steve Jobs. 


You've probably heard that charming people have it a little easier - and it's true.   


Habit #2 - Always have an airbag 


Smart people never take money lightly. Not only do you have to constantly work to maintain your financial health, but you also have to think about risks. Experienced investor Artem Pervushin recommends securing yourself and having a so-called safety cushion - a certain amount of money, which is enough for six months of normal existence, if you lose your main source of income. 


- Having an untouchable financial reserve, you even psychologically feel more secure and confident. Think about what percentage of your salary you are willing to set aside per month. The larger it is, the faster you will achieve what you want. For example 10% or 20% of each paycheck.


Bank studies assure that 20% of Russians do not have a monetary support for the "rainy day", while in the modern world, such can come at any moment: we fall upon us then cuts, then crises, the collapse of the currency. Another thing is that such an emergency fund should be kept in different forms, from a "stash" under the pillow to serious investment. This way you can protect yourself and your family in case of unforeseen difficulties. 


Habit #3 - Exercise


Exercise is good for your body and your mind. They have a positive effect on neurons and help produce glucose, the perfect fuel for the brain. Wealthy and successful people are sure to find time in their busy schedules for sports: golf, fitness and equestrian sports are in high demand. And for many years, tennis has been Bill Gates' constant hobby. 


Try to change your habits and make time for physical activity. This is a great discharge for the brain and body, and after exercise your head seems lighter and brighter, so new ideas are guaranteed. 


Another possible discharge option is meditation and yoga, which are more focused on reflection and self-acceptance.

Habit #4 - Plan and set financial goals


Every millionaire knows how to plan his time, make to-do lists and set certain goals every day. Steve Jobs convinced that only through planning, goal-setting, and the ability to wait, do wealthy people succeed.


High income is possible only with the right tactical approach. For example, you want to buy an apartment - this is your main goal. What do you need for that? How much should you earn per day, week, month to close this need as soon as possible? Perhaps the goal can be achieved faster if you engage in investments and be able to build up capital or form a passive income? 


Cultivate an analytical outlook and take an interest in financial news - this will allow you to develop a clearer vision and more global financial goals.


Habit #5 - Invest.


It used to seem like investing was only available to millionaires or serious Wall Street pros. Today, investing is available to literally anyone - some stocks are cheaper than a cup of coffee.


It's important to be careful here - for example, not to confuse investments with various gray schemes.


- Don't expect to make a fortune right away. Free cheese is only in a mousetrap. If you're promised a yield of 1% a day - you're definitely being tricked.


Receive a passive income - this is a very smart decision, which sooner or later take all would-be millionaires. To begin with you can take the easiest and safest way - make a deposit in a bank, as a result your money will be insured. Or you can go further and buy stocks or bonds, but here you will have to monitor the market situation and calculate the benefits, or use the recommendations of an expert. 


The main thing is not to spend all of your money on investments at once. Start with 10-25% of your income and gradually increase the amount.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead