5 Natural Remedies For Toenail Fungus – Toenail Fungus Cure

Toenail fungus toenail fungus is a common condition that makes toenails discolor and possibly crumble at the edges. This is not typically a severe condition but it can sometimes worsen and lead to complications, like permanent nail damage and pain.


If your fungal infection isn't severe, and you'd prefer to stick with self-care treatments, here are five natural remedies for toenail fungus that are backed by research.  


These are all effective treatments, and if one does not work for you the other might. Although anti-fungal prescription medicines exist for this condition, these at home treatments can help you.


So, read the entire article to learn about each and how to use them.


1. Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is best known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which is why it is a common treatment in acne products. But these properties combined with its anti-fungal effects make it a potent cure for toenail fungus. The U.S National Institutes of Health lists nail fungus as a condition that tea tree oil can successfully treat. 

To use tea tree oil for toenail fungus, apply it directly to the affected nail and the surrounding areas. Keep spreading the oil twice daily until the fungus is inactive and the toenail grows clean.


2. Oregano oil:

Oregano oil is often used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial properties. Additionally, a study reviewed by the food chemistry journal in 2016 shows that oregano oil's thymus content makes it an effective anti-fungal treatment. Because oregano oil is incredibly potent, it is often diluted with carrier oils like olive oil and coconut oil. Apart from dilution,these oils provide additional benefits.  


For example, coconut oil is another antimicrobial while olive oil is rich in antioxidants. Nevertheless, you can use oregano oil in its pure form for more severe cases of fungus.


3. Olive leaf extract:

Aaccording to an article published by the Pharma innovation in 2012, a Salv made from olive leaf extract is an effective natural treatment for fungal nail disease. Although a high quality olive oil might also be beneficial. Extracts are more easily absorbed into the nail and surrounding skin. So using a Salv is more commonly used as a natural treatment. A compound called allurepine makes olives a good source of anti-fungal treatments.Topical treatments are the most popular and effective. But you can take olive leaf supplements in capsule form to enjoy their benefits from within.


4. Neem oil:

Neem oil is used as a natural pesticide but has many uses in traditional medicine. It is helpful for toenail fungus because it is rich in a compound called niminol. It is also rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and antimicrobial compounds that further help heal affected toes.


To treat your toenail fungus you can apply it directly onto the affected toe. Do this twice a day after washing thoroughly. When your fungus is gone, consider using a neem-based soap for your feet to prevent fungus from developing again. This will be especially useful if you are prone to athlete's foot.


5. Garlic:

According to a study published by the Ulster Medical Society Journal, garlic has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can help prevent and treat toenail fungus. Although this might not be the most potent natural treatment for severe infections, it will offer some positive effects to use garlic for toenail fungus. Crush a fresh clove or grind it into a paste.  


Apply it onto the affected toe and keep it there for 10 minutes before washing it off with soap and water. Do this twice a day as a supplement to other treatments. These natural remedies should help you get rid of your toenail fungus. Once you've treated it completely, you'll want to prevent re-infection by wearing moisture wicking socks or breathable  


Footwear. Additionally, you should keep your feet clean and dry them entirely after every bath.


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