As per the world health organisation, "A healthy diet is essential foor good health and nutrition". In simple words, we are what we eat. And the food that we eat does not just feed our body but also our mind. Thus, it is important that we eat and make our family eat the right food for everyone's good health.
While social media is full of people propagating fancy diets, we must never forget the basics. Being mindful of what you eat can play a huge role in keeping infections at bay, boosting immunity, promoting growth in children, fighting disease and keeping us nourished. The good news is that we all have well understood the impotance of eating healthy in the wake of COVID-19.
But here is a conclusive list of what simple steps you can take to keep you family's health in good shape.
Reduce in take of refined vegetable oils rich in omega 6 fatty acids and include sources of omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids are required in aqual quantities from our bodies. But high intake of refined oils disturbs the ratio in which these two fatty acids are required resulting in a negative impact on the body. To strike the balence, recude the foods rich in omega 6 fatty acids like sunflower, soybean, corn-refined oil. You can rather have more ghee, olive oil and mustard oil in daily cooking.
Carbohydrates are a part of almost all foods that we eat, excluding fats, oils and butter. Rice, whole wheat, bread, vegetables, fruits-carbohydrates are present in almost everything we eat in varying quantities. If chosen wisely, it brings together the benefits of fibre for the gut.
Eliminate the intake of processed simple carbohydrates like bread, noodles, biscuits and pasta. Add foxtail millets to your diet like ragi, bajra and wheat flour.
Increase the portion size of pulses and nuts and decrease the intake of cereals to have a balanced diet.
Animal foods like milk, cream, egg, cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt, meat, chicken and fish provide you with a variety of micronutrients that are difficult from plants sources alone.
Vegetarians are often deficient in vitamin B12, which makes the consumption of dairy products even essential.
While we do recognise sweets, chocolates and aerated drinks as sweet, brown sugar, jaggery, honey and high fructose corn syrup are also different forms of sugar, which often go unnoticed. These have a high amount of calories that have the same effect on our blood sugar levels as raw sugar.
Different types of seeds are rich in fats, protein, fibre, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B-6 among other vitamins and minerals. You can include flaxseeds, chia seeds to get a healthy dose of omega 3.
As you lower your intake of carbohydrates, include seeds like flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, and nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds in your diet to make up for the lost nutrients.
You can soak chia seeds in water and drink it, sprinkle some on your salad or enjoy it as a roasted snack.
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