5 Tips to Naturally Increase Your $perm Count

Finding out that you have low sperm count can be incredibly worrisome. Not only does it mean you might not be able to conceive, but it could also affect your libido, your $ex life, and just the way you feel about yourself as a man. Thankfully, there are several ways to naturally increase your sperm count so that you can feel confident in your body and your reproductive health. Here are five tips on how to naturally increase your sperm count.


1) Change your diet

Good nutrition has been shown to play a key role in sperm health. One study, conducted in Denmark and published in Human Reproduction, revealed that healthy men had higher levels of testosterone than those with less optimal diets. Testosterone is essential for fertility, because it helps develop male $ex organs and sperm. In addition, other research suggests that men who eat healthier may be more fertile because they have lower levels of bad cholesterol.


2) Exercise

Men who exercise regularly have better sperm count, higher sperm concentration and motility (how well they swim), lower levels of harmful triglycerides, and a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. So if you’re not already working out, it’s time to start. Ideally you should aim for 30 minutes a day at least five days a week—enough so that exercising feels like part of your routine and not just an interruption. Studies have shown that people are more likely to stick with something if they do it first thing in the morning, says Cedric Bryant, chief science officer for America's Health & Wellness Club Network. If there isn't a gym near you that opens early enough for your schedule, try running or biking as alternatives.


3) Lifestyle Changes

Research is clear that eating a healthy diet and leading an active lifestyle can help increase sperm count. This includes eating antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lean meats. Another way to naturally boost your sperm count is by reducing stress in your life—chronic stress has been shown to negatively impact sperm production. It’s also a good idea to check in with your doctor if you haven’t had any success on your own; he or she might be able to pinpoint what exactly is going wrong and offer some solutions for boosting fertility.


4) Lose Weight

Obesity and weight gain are two of the biggest contributors to low sperm count. Excess body fat can change hormone levels and cause a man’s testicles to produce less sperm. Overweight men are 40 percent more likely than men with normal weights to have abnormal sperm concentrations. To maintain healthy sperm counts, avoid excessive weight gain and try your best to shed excess pounds through diet and exercise, especially before you attempt to conceive a child. Another plus: A healthier lifestyle can improve your $ex life by decreasing stress and boosting energy levels, which will give you more confidence in bed.


5) Herbs

Some supplements, like fenugreek and ginseng, have been shown in studies to increase sperm count. Talk with your doctor about incorporating these into your diet. It's important to note that there are a lot of junk products out there and some may not be safe for you; it's a good idea to talk with your physician before taking any herbs or supplements for fertility. More research is needed before we can say with certainty how effective these herbs really are at increasing sperm count, but they're definitely worth trying if you're feeling desperate! Consider asking friends or family members who may have tried them if they were effective.


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