1. Getting to know who you truly are
It might seem easy to do but it isn't because I spent so many years finding and exploring who I truly am. To love yourself, first, you need to know who you truly are. You need to know what is your weakness and strengths. You need to know what you like and what you don't like. You need to know what is your true purpose in life. Go and Explore yourself deeply and clearly because it is the first step of self-love.
2. Accepting yourself
After you find out who you are, It is time to embrace all of that regardless of your perfections and imperfections. You can change yourself too if you want to become the better version of yourself but don't be too hard on yourself and don't forget to love yourself along the way.
3. Practice Self Love Everday
It's also a crucial step in building strong self-love. Self-love isn't something that you can build only in a few days. You need to do it every day and there might be some days that you want to give up but hang in there. You will be great and I believe in you. There might be some days that you don't love your flaws anymore because you think you aren't beautiful enough but don't be hard on yourself. That's your body and you should accept and appreciate it as who you are because that is what makes you unique.
4. Self-care is also a Self Love
If you have been busy lately and if you have been hard on yourself lately, don't forget to take some rest and do some self-care. For example, take some time to rest, enjoy yourself in your bathtub and read books after a long hard day of your work. Don't forget to take some time to do some self-care routine to increase your confidence.
5. Confidence is the key
You might meet some criticism along the way, but don't bring that criticism and carry it inside your heart. If it make you better , learn from it but if it is not true, let it pass, When you know who you truly are and you can accept yourself as who you are regardless of your flaws, you will gain your confidence and you can stand up strong for yourself and nothing and no one can break you down easily
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