7 Benefits of Lemon Tea for Healt

Not Only Refreshing the Throat, Here Are 7 Benefits of Lemon Tea for Health


The sour and refreshing lemon tea turns out to have a number of advantages.

Moms, a warm cup of sweet and sour lemon tea will always soothe your throat. 

But does lemon tea have any health advantages?


Moms,would do well to be familiar with the nutritional make-up of lemon tea before addressing its advantages.


Lemon Tea Nutritional Content


In one fresh squeezed lemon contained various nutrients, such as:


 Calories: 10.3 cal

 Protein: 0.16 gram

 Fat: 0.1 gram

 Carbohydrates: 3.2 grams

 Fiber: 0.14 gram

 Sugar: 1.2 grams


 Meanwhile, lemon juice is a great source of vitamins and minerals, such as:


 Vitamin C






Benefits of Lemon Tea


Don't hesitate to drink lemon tea, Moms!  The reason is, lemon tea has various health benefits.  Anything?


 1. Help Meet Antioxidant Needs


 Lemon tea provides the body with lots of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and phytochemicals, such as caffeic and chlorogenic acid.


 Not only that, in the Plants study, lemons are rich in other antioxidants, such as:

Ascorbic acid



 ferulic acid


Antioxidants are substances found in food that help prevent DNA changes and cell damage from free radicals and oxidative stress.


 By eating and drinking antioxidants that are rich in antioxidants such as lemon tea, it helps delay premature aging and the onset of Alzheimer's disease and cancer.


 The reason is, lemon contains flavonoids which are very beneficial for the health of the body, such as:


Fight free radicals

 Has anti-inflammatory effect

 Reducing the risk of brain and other degenerative diseases


2. Maintain Body Strength


 One lemon offers about half of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.


 That way, lemons help support the immune system to fight bacterial and viral infections that cause disease.


 However, to feel the benefits, you should combine it with honey which also has an anti-inflammatory effect.


 That way, the combination of honey and lemon tea can bring good effects to the body.


3. Lowering Blood Pressure


 Reporting from WebMD, the flavonoids in lemons help lower blood pressure.

Additional research has also shown that this effect can improve heart health


 Moms can get multiple benefits of lemon tea if you drink it after exercising.


 It's no secret that exercise helps control high blood pressure, strengthens the heart and reduces stress.


4. Has Anticancer Substances


 As previously mentioned, lemons are rich in antioxidants.


 Antioxidants work by preventing cell damage that can lead to various chronic diseases such as cancer.


 Quercetin is one of the antioxidants in lemons that inhibits the growth of cancer cells in some types of cancer.  Among them are:

Ovarian cancer

 Prostate Cancer

 Breast cancer

 Kidney Cancer


5. Reduces Diabetes Risk


 Lemons contain a natural compound called hesperidin.  This compound is able to lower blood sugar levels to help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


 In addition, the citric acid in lemons also turns out to slow the conversion or conversion of starch into sugar.


 When the process is slowed down, it helps reduce spikes in blood sugar and helps manage your weight from gaining weight.


 Because obesity or being overweight is one of the risks of diabetes.


 In addition, in the journal Antioxidants drinking tea, especially black, green, and oolong tea is also mentioned to help reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus.


 Therefore, you can make lemon tea from black, green, or oolong tea to increase its health benefits.


6. Increase Body Energy


 Did you know that another benefit of lemon tea is to increase the body's energy?


 Tea, especially green tea, is a natural source of caffeine that can stimulate the central nervous system to help increase a person's energy, just like coffee.


 In the journal Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, caffeine helps increase alertness and cognitive and physical function.


 The combination of green tea and lemon contains less caffeine than coffee or energy drinks.


 Therefore, this can be a suitable alternative for those who are sensitive to the effects of high doses of caffeine.


7. As a Natural Diuretic


 Lemons also contain citric acid, which is a natural diuretic that can reduce excess and buildup of water in the body.


 Not only that, citric acid also improves urinary tract health and prevents kidney stones.


 A study also found that citric acid can increase the body's absorption of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.


Serve warm lemon tea to the family at home in cold weather and warm lemon tea for hot weather.


 These are some of the advantages of lemon tea. So, are mothers drinking lemon tea on a regular basis?


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