7 reasons to smile: a scientific approach

A smile is the most easily recognized facial emotion. Smiling triggers certain processes in the human brain, activating the brain-body connection.  So what are the benefits of a smile?


1. Smiling makes us happy (even when we're in a bad mood).


Remember the brain-body connection? Well, a normal smile sends a signal to the brain that we are happy. And when we are happy, the body starts to produce various kinds of endorphins, which raise our mood. This principle was discovered in the 1980s and has been confirmed by a number of studies. But studies also show the flip side: frowning makes people feel unhappy.


2. Smiling makes the people around you happy.


Smiling is contagious. Studies show that all it takes is seeing a smiling friend or girlfriend, and one involuntarily begins to do the same. It's funny, isn't it? When someone smiles, he infects other people with a good mood. A smiling person brings happiness.


3. Smiling makes us more attractive.


We pay attention to people who smile. There is an attraction factor: we want to know who is smiling and why. Frowns and grimaces repel people, while a smile attracts. A charming smile makes a person more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Therefore, the next time you make a date, do not forget to smile. It will make your "soulmate" happier and you more attractive.


4. Smiling helps relieve stress.


Smiling helps relieve fatigue, weariness, and overwhelm. Smiling has the power to reduce feelings of anxiety. When the signals that we are happy (even if it's not really ... at the moment) reach the brain, the body tends to decrease the rate of breathing and heartbeat. Reducing stress levels is very beneficial to our overall health, as it results in lower blood pressure, improved digestion and normalized blood sugar levels.


5. A smile is more attractive than makeup.


69% of people believe that a smiling woman without makeup is more attractive than a woman without a smile who uses makeup. The muscles we use to smile tighten the face, which makes a person look younger.


6. Smiling has a positive effect on health.


Smiling helps the immune system work better. When you smile, you are more relaxed. A number of studies prove the health benefits of laughter, including the fact that laughter is akin to a mini workout, resulting in fat burning and improved ab muscle definition. Laughter also improves circulation, lowers blood sugar, reduces stress levels and improves sleep. It can also increase the body's levels of antibodies that fight infections and improve the immune system.


7. Smiling makes you more successful.


Smiling people look more confident. Wear a smile to meetings and appointments, and people will respond to you differently. According to studies, those surveyed tend to think that such people are more attractive, confident, decent, and determined.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead