7 reasons why it is better to work for yourself

Many people, after graduating from high school and reaching a certain age, believe that it's time for them to get a job. However, this is far from a good idea. "Why?" - you wonder. It's very simple. There is an alternative to working for yourself, and there are at least 7 reasons why you should do it. 


You earn around the clock. 

Sure, getting a well-paying job and trading your time and labor for money is a great idea. However, it doesn't make sense. Why, you may ask? Because jobs pay you only when you are working. Have you ever thought that it would be better and easier to get paid even when you are not working? Imagine how different your life would be if you earned an income around the clock. 


You spend more than 40 hours a week at work. Few people care about that fact. We all care about the value and importance of what we get. This is what we are willing to pay for. So agree that trading your time for money is not the best way to make money. There is a much better way in which the value you produce is separate from the cost of your time. 


For example, starting your own business, investing in something, getting income from implementing your inventions, creating a website, getting royalties for creative work, etc. In this case, the system you have created constantly delivers value to people, generates income and works continuously, regardless of whether you devote time to it or not. That said, it will take some time and effort at first to develop and implement your own system of income production. Once you have the system up and running, you no longer have to trade your time for money. From then on, the bulk of your time will be spent increasing your income by improving and developing your system or launching new systems. 


All income is yours. 

When you work for hire, you have to produce enough value to not only cover your salary (bonuses, social package, etc.) and taxes, but also to make enough income for the owners or investors. Thus, at work you only get paid a fraction of the value you actually produce. Your real salary may be several times higher, but you never get most of that money. When you are self-employed, all income is yours. 


You regulate your own income. 

When you want to increase your income as an employee, you constantly have to prove your claims. You do not always get satisfactory answers. You decide and regulate when and how much you are entitled to receive in your income system. 


You learn how to become financially independent. 

Generally, people take jobs to gain experience. However, we all get experience from life, whether we have a job or not. Any job just gives you the experience of that job. You do learn a lot in the beginning, but then things move along without much change. Because of this, you tend to miss out on many other opportunities that are more valuable and important. Ask yourself the question, what kind of experience would you like to have? The knowledge of how to do a certain job well, exchanging your time for money - or the knowledge of how to achieve financial independence while no longer needing to work for hire? You will most likely choose the second option. 


5. Own your own boss. 


When you apply for a job, you have a supervisor or owner. What happens if you don't agree to obey or carry out someone's commands? Many of you do not enjoy such work because it is depressing or downright objectionable. In the case of creating your own income system, you are your own boss. 


6 Stay safe. 


Most people believe that getting a job is the safest and most secure way to support yourself and your family. I don't know how safe one can feel in our society if one can lose his or her main source of income, a job, at any time. As an employee, you cannot feel safe because you are not in control of the situation. Only if you are self-employed do you have everything under your control. 


7.Define your social circle and freedom of movement. 

When you work in a certain structure, you have to communicate with people working in the same field. In addition to this, there is a corporate culture in any company. This imposes certain restrictions and requirements on you. Not all of you agree to be so dependent. Working for yourself, you are completely independent in your choice of with whom and when to talk and how to behave in any given situation. You do what you like and live your life to your own satisfaction. 




Everyone has a choice: get a job or create income in other ways. Many of you already know that finding a job is not what they want. Trust your intuition. Once you make the decision to work for yourself, B


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