8 foods that conquer pain

Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic pain. Causes can vary: old injuries, migraines, autoimmune diseases, liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases, arthritis, general fatigue, etc.

These pains are debilitating, causing distress, anxiety, and depression. They prevent us from enjoying life, lower our self-esteem, deprive us of self-confidence, disturb our sleep, and prevent us from relaxing. Not to mention the fact that in pain we work less well and cope with even simple tasks.


Painkillers certainly help to relieve pain quickly and effectively, but in the long run they can put a big strain on your health. For example, they increase your risk of developing gastritis and stomach ulcers, change intestinal flora, provoke constipation and diarrhea, inflammation, liver and kidney damage. They can even be fatal if taken improperly.


Nature, fortunately, offers us many natural anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and spices that have pain-relieving properties and can generally improve health and tissue structure. If you are experiencing pain, try to consume the following foods, herbs and vitamins as often as possible.


Natural pain relievers


Curcuma .

Thanks to curcumin, this anti-inflammatory spice can relieve joint pain and reduce inflammation, including for fibromyalgia and other inflammatory conditions. 


Compounds called anthocyanins in cherries help reduce inflammation and block pain signals. One study shows that cherries also help relieve muscle pain after exercise, reducing the likelihood of muscle damage.



Ginger is an effective anti-inflammatory for relief of migraines, arthritis and muscle pain. One study found that it was just as effective in relieving intermittent pain as ibuprofen. One of the best ways is to add fresh ginger to juices and smoothies.


Fish oil.

Eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids helps relieve pain by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation in nerve and muscle cells. Fish oil has been shown in studies to be equivalent to ibuprofen in relieving arthritis and possibly other types of pain. Plant sources of omega-3 are flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and walnuts.


Rosehip fruit.

More than 30 studies support the ability of rosehips to relieve pain, including that caused by arthritis. One of them showed that a significant reduction in pain and reduced use of medication was achieved after 3 weeks. And you can feel the weakness and stiffness go away after 3 months of treatment. Rosehip can be taken as a tea or powder as well as in capsules.


The bromelain in pineapple helps reduce inflammation and is used as a post-trauma treatment. Just half a cup of pineapple a day helps significantly reduce pain.



This electrolyte supports muscle and nerve function. It can be very effective for restless leg syndrome, muscle tension and pain, fibromyalgia, migraines, cramps and tingling. This important nutrient is found in dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, and dark chocolate.


Vitamin D

Results of a new study by the British Society of Rheumatology suggest that low levels of vitamin D in the body are associated with chronic widespread pain. Musculoskeletal pain is a recognized symptom of acute vitamin D deficiency.

If you are experiencing pain, it is worth avoiding certain foods, which include:


Solanaceae family vegetables.

In cases of arthritis, solanaceous vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, chillies and chili peppers can increase pain and discomfort.


Gluten- and dairy-containing foods

Some people who suffer from autoimmune diseases begin to feel better by eliminating possible food allergens, such as gluten and dairy products, from their diet. Do a six-week experiment: you may feel a decrease in pain and discomfort. Other allergens can be detected with a proper detox, reducing pain and inflammation at the same time.


Processed foods.

Processed foods increase pain and inflammation, especially refined flour and sugar and processed hydrogenated fats, so you should avoid them and stick to a naturally complete diet.


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