A global non-accidental coincidence

Look around you and look at the world around you. Could you imagine that life as we know it now could have been conceived and existed in harmony? Is it unbelievable that such an intelligent creature as man could learn so much about the structure of the universe around us and leave the confines of his own planet? Is it possible to consider it a miracle that a female organism is able to give birth to a similar being with a human brain, an organ which grants unlimited abilities? Undoubtedly, the creation of science as an activity has given rise to answers to many exciting questions, as well as to the development of man as a species, and has pushed humanity in many other directions as well. For example, the discovery that we are but an insignificant speck of sand among the countless stars and galaxies in the universe gave rise to the idea of interstellar travel, which, in turn, prompted human spaceflight.


Needless to say, our boundless imagination transforms fantastic ideas into scientific and technical breakthroughs? And yet, to what can such a colorful and diverse world as we know it today owe its existence? Could it be the big bang that took place about 13.5 billion years ago, giving rise to the existence of space, time and matter? And can we call this event an accident? And these very "accidents", with the help of which organic life on our planet was created and sustained to this day, are much more than it may seem.


Modern science is partly able to explain many things and phenomena that occurred hundreds, thousands and millions of years ago, as well as those that occur today. And some of them are worthy of special attention. For example, something that we see every day, that gives no rest to many scientists and science fiction writers, that lights up the night sky. We're talking about a satellite of planet Earth - the Moon. There are several versions of the formation of the Moon in the orbit of our planet, but modern scientists stick to one - the most popular - that the satellite was formed as a result of a collision with the Earth of another object, the size of Mars. It is likely that it was this catastrophic event that shifted the axis of rotation of the earth, which was the determining factor for the current change of seasons. If we stick to this version, the collision also determined the speed of rotation of the Earth around its axis. Today it is about 1670 km / h at the equator, which is also a favorable factor for Earth's inhabitants.


Slow down the speed of the planet's rotation and the difference between day and night temperatures will become unbearable, speed up - and then the wind speed will increase catastrophically. As we know, the Moon influences the periodic rise and fall of the water level in the seas and oceans. It is possible that these very tides, caused by the gravitational attraction of the satellite, were the impetus for the first creatures to reach the land surface. Who knows, maybe without the Moon the development of life would have been completely different, or it would not have existed at all.


There is another factor without which the existence of life as we know it would not have been possible. And that is the distance to our nearest star, the Sun. As we know, it is about 150 million kilometers. In fact, such a distance is very difficult to imagine. Nevertheless, changing the position of our planet in outer space by a few hundred thousand kilometers in the direction of the Sun or away from it, will lead to the death of all life on Earth. The fact is that, compared to other planets in the solar system, we occupy an ideal position for existence. The sun provides the Earth with light and heat in exactly the amount necessary for the growth and evolution of plants and animals, as well as gives humans comfortable conditions for life.


But besides giving life, our closest star is also able to take it away. Every second, the sun loses about a million tons of matter, emitting streams of ionized particles that travel through space at incredible speed. This solar wind is a giant stream of deadly radiation, affecting everything in its path, and our planet is no exception. One of the evidences of the sun's impact on the Earth, visible to man, is the so-called Northern Lights. This stunningly beautiful phenomenon is the result of the solar wind colliding with the atmosphere of our planet. But because of the deadly stream of radiation particles constantly created by the sun, all life on the planet could die. But something, again, protects us, preventing radiation from penetrating to the Earth's surface.

Since the end of the formation of our home planet, about 4.5 billion years ago, it has been surrounded by an invisible shield created by the Earth's magnetic field. Its creation and support, as scientists believe, is due to the rotation of the planet and the movement of metals in its outer core. It is this phenomenon that protects humanity from the solar wind and deadly doses of cosmic radiation. If the Earth rotated more slowly, this field would also be weaker, and we would lose this important protection for life. But humans are not the only ones who owe their existence to the magnetic field. For insects, birds, and many other animals, it is a reference point for movement in space.


There are countless other highly unlikely events and factors that nevertheless occurred or developed precisely so that life and humanity appeared on Earth. Therefore, it would seem that the final appearance of man on Earth, which did take place, was such an "impossible" event in terms of probability theory that the fact that we still exist is a complete coincidence. However, on the other hand, since we exist, we can assess the same situation from another perspective: we exist here, on Earth, one of the billions of planets, precisely because all the necessary events have happened here, and not a single unnecessary one has happened, which means that of all planets we should have been here, on Earth, and then it is not an accident, but a regularity.


In today's time, man is able to gain knowledge of phenomena that directly or indirectly influence the creation and maintenance of life on our planet. It helps to learn a lot from the past and to secure ourselves for the future. But we know that the Earth is not eternal, that sooner or later something catastrophic may happen here too, that someday humans may have to leave the confines of their home planet in order to survive as a species. And in addition to the search for extraterrestrial life forms, modern science is also engaged in this question. And today, we are fully enjoying life, making discoveries that change humanity and all that surrounds it, while reaching heights in physical and spiritual development. And in order not to stop there and to preserve our world, we must live in harmony with nature and pass on our knowledge to the next generations.


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