About egg laying mammals..? Do you know the mammals can also lay eggs!

The mammals can also lay eggs..!

The platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia. Platypus means "flat bill", from the latin "platys", flat, and "pus", foot. The name is derived from a supposed resemblance of the creature's bill to that of a paddle (but this may be an odd coincidence).

Platypus is a venomous only animal - it can be classified under mollusks, vertebrae and mammals. It has glands that produce venom. The males are quite big but the large females are better adapted to move quickly underwater.

 Platypus (platypus /ˈplætɪpəs/; from Greek plātos, “flat”, and pous, “foot”) is an egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia. They are monotremes (only mammals that lay eggs) but structurally they are similar to the group comprising the duck-billed platypus, the spiny anteater and echidnas.

* Platypus is a clever, aquatic mammal with a bill like an otter's, webbed feet and the ability to lay eggs. Scientists trapped an animal like this when it bit their tails in 2006.

 * A platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal endemic to Australia. Its body shape is roughly that of a beaver with five clawed toes on each foot and webbed hind feet, but it has the bill and aerodynamic swimming style of a duck. It lays eggs in a communal, mud-lined nest in spring and summer, then leaves with its little family for the sea after about three weeks to feed and sleep on their own. They are very cute animals.

*  The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal able to lay eggs. It has a bill like a duck and webbed feet like fins. The platypus is the only venomous mammal in the world. It can spit a painful but harmless venom into an attacker. It can shoot air bubbles at attackers to put them off guard.

* Platypuses are the only mammals (other than humans) that lay eggs. They have duck-like bills, bodies that look like they could be heads and tails, webbed toes, and three pointed ears.

* Platypus are venomous and venom derived from their saliva or skin. The poison is a strong curare-like agent, with anticoagulant and cardiac muscle stimulant effects. The platypus has a unique muscle structure, including broad muscles that enable it to be underwater as long as 50 minutes without surfacing to breathe. It can reproduce without the need for external fertilization in a manner similar to mules—they actually have an oviparous mode of reproduction that is functionally equivalent to the hermaphrodites found in some insects. Platypuses occur throughout Australia, but none live on Tasmania.

* Scientists think they’ve figured out why platypuses have webbed feet. And what’s more: The way platypuses use those feet could be useful in engineering swimming robots.

* Platipus animal is a species found in North America and Central America. These animals are similar to a platypus, but the female Platipus is larger and has webbed hind feet. They can be found in rivers and streams along the Gulf Coast, as well as throughout most of Mexico. They have one baby at a time and are very aquatic creatures that can actually eat their own young if they're hungry enough

Highlets :

* Platypus is a duck-billed mammal native to Australia and New Guinea. These nocturnal creatures spend their days in deep freshwater streams, feeding on insects and other small invertebrates. They're especially vulnerable to pollution and water contamination, so we've made some of our best products for them.

* This small and sly animal lives in warmer waters of the Pacific Ocean. It walks on all fours, though it can swim swiftly by propelling itself through the water with its tail.

Vinay - Oct 3, 2022, 5:50 AM - Add Reply


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