All You Need To Know About Chinese Zodiac Symbols.
It is lovely to have a balance of Chinese zodiac symbols with Western astrological signs. It is interesting to study the different horoscopes concerning birthdates (and times) and find that each of the Chinese zodiac symbols is as close to correct personality indicators as the western symbols/signs are. It is also interesting to consider how the characters extend to using something other than telling one’s future/luck/personality.
My favorite delight with Chinese zodiac symbols, for instance, is playing a game called Mahjong Garden at Each set won (or completed) yields a reward for anthropomorphized and spiritualized Chinese zodiac symbols. Alright, let me make one thing clear: There are twelve individual tile arrangements that you play, and each collection is in the design of one of the Chinese zodiac symbols. At the successful matching of all tiles on the board, an animated scroll appears, opens, and reveals one of the animals, holding an object representing a phenomenon or human spiritual characteristic. Here are the Chinese zodiac symbols and their gift, as they appear on Pogo:
1st game—rat is the design, and the rat brings the gift of charm or jade, representing perfection
2nd game—ox is the design, and the ox brings the gift of optimism or apples, representing education
3rd game—the tiger is the design, and the tiger brings the gift of understanding
4th game—rabbit is the design, and the rabbit gets the gift of humility or oranges, representing good fortune
5th game—the dragon is the design, and the dragon brings the gift of energy or a green box, symbolizing harmony
6th game—snake is the design, and the snake gets the advantage of intellect
7th game—the horse is the design, and the horse brings the gift of popularity or cheer.
8th game—ram is the design, and the ram brings the gift of love or the arts
9th game—the monkey is the design, and the monkey gets the advantage of energy
10th game—poultry is the design, and the rooster brings the gift of pride or a gold box, representing strength
11th game—the dog is the design, and the dog gets the advantage of noodles, meaning long life
12th game—the boar is the design, and the boar brings the gift of sincerity.
And with that completed set, you get a whole scroll opening across the screen with all of the Chinese zodiac symbols—all the animals now, if we could only embody all of the characteristics of the Chinese zodiac.
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