Amenorrhea is a state of absence of menstruation cycle in any woman during her lifehood, so it means if the menstrual discharge is absent then it is known as amenorrhea.
According to causes & time duration amenorrhea can be of following types in any woman.
1. Primary amenorrhea
(a). Primary physiological amenorrhea
(b). Primary pathological amenorrhea
2. Secondary amenorrhea
(a). Secondary physiological amenorrhea
(b). Secondary pathological amenorrhea
1. Primary amenorrhea
It is a type of amenorrhea, in which the girls is in state of absence of M.C, when she have had not a single time menstruation cycle over. It means that M.C has never started in that girls which is lifehood before puberty. This primary amenorrhea can be of following types
(a). Primary physiological amenorrhea
It is a type of primary amenorrhea which occurs, because of normal physiological process which means there is no menstruation cycle from birth till & puberty in any girl.
(b). Primary pathological amenorrhea
It is a type of primary amenorrhea which is diagnosed only when there is no menstruation cycle till 16 years of age in any girl. It means the primary pathological amenorrhea is caused by any abnormal condition such as
• Imperforate hymen
• Ovarian agenesis (absence of ovaries)
• Uterine synachiae
• Congenital vaginal agenesis
• Ovarian dysfunction to produce female sex hormone.
2. Secondary amenorrhea
It is a type of amenorrhea in which any woman is in state of absence of menstruation cycle, when she has had at least at one menstruation cycle in her lifehood.
(a). Secondary physiological amenorrhea
It is the type of secondary amenorrhea, which occurs because of normal physiological condition of the body. Secondary physiological amenorrhea can occur in any woman in following 3 conditions.
• Amenorrhea during pregnancy
• Amenorrhea during exclusive breast feeding upto 6 month from childbirth.
• After menopause.
(b). Secondary pathological amenorrhea
It is the type of secondary amenorrhea, which is caused by any abnormal conditions of the woman which means secondary amenorrhea is related with disease condition such as
• Uterine fibroids
• Endometriosis
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
• After hysterectomy
• Cervical cancer & ovarian cancer.
The treatment of amenorrhea is based on actual causes of either primary pathological or secondary pathological amenorrhea. According to causes following treatment can be performed.
• Surgical reopening is performed in the case of imperforated hymen or vaginal agenesis in any girl.
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