Awpl Ayurveda Pvt Ltd Business Information

Awpl Ayurveda Pvt Ltd Business Information



AWPL Ayurveda Pvt Ltd is a Jaipur-based drug store that offers a variety of trading services. The company was registered in Rajasthan in 2017 as a Private organization with the CIN U51909RJ2017PTC057333. The headquarters of the company is situated in Plot no.42/S-1, Jagdamba Nagar A, Jaipur, Rajasthan. The company's business activity revolves around trading, and they provide a range of products and services aimed at meeting customers' needs. Unfortunately, there have been no reviews that can give us insight into the company's operation, nor has there been any information given about the company's nature.



Company Presence Across India


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Products & Services


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Administrations or Items

The following is the administrations being delivered by Awpl Ayurveda Pvt Ltd,


The accompanying segment gives verious different addresses of Awpl Ayurveda Pvt Ltd which are referenced of their site.


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The following is the WHOIS subtleties of Awpl Ayurveda Pvt Ltd. WHOIS is a the site possession subtleties that makes sense of the data who enlisted the site and when.


Beneath we've given some of group photographs of Awpl Ayurveda Pvt Ltd



Our first product ImmunoDoc is as the name is the work

This is a complete immune booster product to improve immunity

Increases cold, cough, itching, sneezing, asthma, platelets,

The sound from the throat at the time of sleeping cleanses the body LG, sinus,

Works for headache, migraine, gas, constipation

I can't say where the fire should be done to remove the toxin.

I could People who are sick can also take those who are not sick

Can take to not get sick. of ImmunoDoc in Nightfall

It is mandatory to give thunder blast as well.

Method of taking :- 15 to 20 ml in normal condition. morning evening

Take after one hour of meal.

If gas is being produced then take it empty stomach 45 minutes before eating.



sir our next product is divodoc its great result

That is 570 cures the patient of sugar level. even that

Many people have also been made to stop taking insulin

Only after using the product will you know what is and what is not.

Method of taking :- 15 to 20 ml. 1 hour after breakfast in the morning and evening

Take. It is necessary to give Noni or Chlorodoc if the patient is very agitated.

If you are weak, then you have to give a tender.

Note - Sweets, rice, potatoes, milk are not to be taken as food - salad abhar dose

Do not eat, have to eat little by little 4 to 5 times in pain.



sir our next product is gynodoc our this product specially

For women's problems like general tonic for women

Absence of irregular periods, Painful periods,

Physical mental weakness, discharge of white water,

Is for It is mandatory to give thunder blast with it.

Method of taking :- 15 to 20 ml. one hour in the morning and evening

Take the bard. It is mandatory to give thunder blast with it.

and many more products are avilable for different diseas


For more details contact at 

Email:[email protected]


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