Battlegrounds Mobile India - BGMI iOS release date: After a months-long wait, PUBG Mobile Battlegrounds Mobile India, recently released in India for all the Android users on the Google Play Store. The game was an instant hit for gamers with Android devices with iOS users still waiting for their turn.
The PUBG Mobile gaming community was eagerly waiting for the re-launch of the game since it was banned in September 2020 by the government of India. Now, let us update you about when Battlegrounds Mobile India will be launched for iOS users.
PUBG Mobile Battlegrounds Mobile India iOS release date
Before launching Battlegrounds Mobile India for Android users, Krafton, the game developer, had opened up about its plans to launch an Indian version of PUBG mobile called BGMI in May 2021 where they opened the pre-registration for the game. The game was later officially launched on July 2, 2021.
However, since its launch, there has been no announcement from Krafton regarding the game launching for iOS users. There is no announcement from Krafton regarding the release date of (BGMI) for iOS devices.
As of now, Android fans are enjoying Battlegrounds Mobile India, especially after PUBG Mobile India was suspended for almost a year. Millions of iOS users will have to wait a little longer for an official update.
According to a report in Inside Sport, a leak is spreading out for the PUBG Mobile BGMI release date where it stated that Battlegrounds Mobile India might release sometime early in July. Many competitive players and streamers of BGMI use iOS devices to play the game so it is extra important to the iOS release of BGMI.
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