Benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar for body health

1. Helps lose weight and eliminate belly fat, you should mix 2 tablespoons with a cup of water and drink 20-30 minutes before meals, but alone can not lose weight, but reduce the amount of food and exercise more.

2. Helps lower blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, but it is better not to use in type 1 diabetes.

3. Helps lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

4. Helps prevent heart disease.

5. Helps prevent arthritis and gout.

6. It plays a role in reducing and preventing insomnia, nightmares and sleep disorders in people with these problems.

7. It is effective in preventing inflammation of the kidneys and bladder and cleansing the urinary tract.

8. It plays an important role in eliminating bacteria and viruses in the human body.

9. Helps treat sore throat by mixing 1 teaspoon with 1 tablespoon of honey juice and a cup of water and gargle for 1-2 minutes 2 to 3 times daily.

10. Helps treat stomach upset, nausea and diarrhea by mixing one tablespoon with a cup of water and drinking 20-3 minutes before meals.

11. Used to treat mosquito, rat and rabbit bites by applying a drop of apple cider vinegar to the area and covering it with an adhesive.

12. Helps eliminate bad breath.

13. It helps to relieve bad breath or itching or inflammation of the feet by putting your feet in a bowl of water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

14. Helps treat leg cramps by massaging the cramps with a solution of 1 tablespoon in a glass of water for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times daily.

It is very important to know that apple cider vinegar is not a medicine and should not be drunk too much. It should be diluted by mixing 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of water or in salads or cooking.

15. It plays a role in strengthening hair follicles and reducing oily hair.

16. It plays a role in maintaining skin health, reducing acne and spots and cleansing the skin; However, it should not be applied directly to the skin.


Harms of eating too much apple cider vinegar:

1. Tooth chlorine.

2. Decreased bone density and softening of bones.

3. Colitis, abdominal pain, and increased symptoms of colonic inflammation.

4. Burning of the esophagus and return of food from the stomach to the esophagus.

5. Cystitis.

6. Sensitivity and redness of the skin.

7. Burns in the throat, especially in children.

8. Skin discoloration and the possibility of developing some skin diseases, of course, it is known that apple cider vinegar is not useful for treating acne; On the contrary, it increases wrinkles and holes in the skin. It is best not to use it to remove wrinkles.


People who should not use too much apple cider vinegar:

1. Patients taking digoxin, which is used for certain heart diseases.

2. Patients taking certain types of antidepressants and heart medications that cause excessive urination.

3. Type 1 diabetes.

4. Pregnant and lactating women.

5. People with cystitis.


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