Benefits Of Green Tea! Why You Should Drink It Every Day!

What is Green Tea? 

The best understand green tea, we have to look at tea in general. Most people drink black tea or variation of it. Others like to sip on oolong tea, and some people prepare the white variety of tea. What are the differences, and what makes green tea so healthy?

Tea comes from the leaves it the Camellia Sinensis bush. The plants comes in two varieties. One grows in China and is used for green and white teas. 

        The second types of bush is found in India and is used for both oolong and black tea.


How Much Green Tea Should You Drink A Day?

Studies have not been conclusive on how much green tea to drink a day to reap the maximum benefits. It really depends on the person and their own personal health.

    Deferent amount of green tea every day will benifit you in various ways.

How To Drink Green Tea

Did you know that green tea is the second most consumed beverage after water? Who knew? Enjoy green tea warm or cold, but when you brew it, don't pour boiling water over the leaves immediately after it has boiled. Doing so well affect the potent catechins that do all the work.

   Let the boiling water rest about 10 minutes and then pour. Steep 1 to 5 minutes, depending on your taste.

Are There Side Effects To Drinking Green Tea

People who drink a lot of green tea may experience side effects. If this happens, it's a good idea to cut back.

Remember, increase how much you drink in a day. Moderation is always ideal.

* Like with any caffeine, too much can make you jittery.

* Excessive caffeine can effect sleep.

* Too much green tea can cause headache.

*  Some people may experience stomach upset

* Dehydration can occur if you drink in excess because tea is a diuretic.


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