Book Review Business Plan Secrets Revealed

The key to a successful start to any business is a good business plan. In his ebook, "Business System Secrets Revealed," Mike Elia goes through the business process step by step: gathering evidence that you will use to build your plan to bring your plan to the right investors.


His book provides the basic information you need to write a business plan. But its real focus is on how you can connect with your program to investors and convince them that your business is their best investment option.


As I began to uncover the secrets of the Business Plan Revealed, my heart sank. You see, I had promised Mike that I would read his entire book before writing a review. And Business Plan Secrets Revealed is not a standard ebook with single sentence roles, large fonts and high margins. It's crowded with details!


But when I started reading, I was shocked. Mike’s writing style is inclusive and practical, and his explanations facilitate complex concepts. Throughout the book, I felt like a friend of mine was sitting with me on the back porch, really explaining exactly how to do something. It’s the kind of easy-to-use that you can only get if you fully understand the subject.


Mike’s clear understanding of business planning concepts comes from more than 20 years of experience. Mike helps business owners buy, sell and finance their businesses. He oversees production and sales facilities in more than nine countries. He is a CPA, has a Masters in Business Administration, and has previously served as Chief Financial Officer at two publicly owned companies.


The Business Plan Secrets Revealed starts with the collection and planning tips you will need. From the start, Mike focuses on overcoming one of your biggest challenges — closing the investment gap for investors. In the chapter “Show Me the Numbers,” Mike gives some clear explanations of the financial statements of the business I have read If concepts such as equity equity or cash flow statements make your eyes shine, then your salvation has come.


The latest chapters of Business Plan Secrets Reveal fulfill Mike's promise to help you communicate effectively with your business plan. There are complete instructions for writing your business plan, including how to open and read your plan, and how to avoid nine common typographical errors. He explains how choosing the right design can make your business plan easier to read. Mike sums up things by telling you how to prepare for a face-to-face moment with investors, including building your business voice pitch in 60 seconds, to a point. Tips for finding investors and the resources section complete the book.


I must admit that many times as I read, I asked myself, “Do I really need this business plan?” This is not the solution to the problem of filling in the blanks and printing. But then I realized - if I am determined to succeed, then I need to know as much as I can about my business before. Before I started spending money. Before I put myself in line out of the market.


By the way, I made you read the whole book. And I can assure you that Mike presents what he promises on the title page: teaching you how to quickly gather evidence, build your business case, and write a legitimate program that attracts investors and makes your business an attractive investment option. Even if you already own some business planning services, I highly recommend that business plan secrets be revealed.


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