1-Protect yourself and others from COVID-19
If COVID-19 has been reported in your community, take simple precautions: keep a safe distance from others, wear a mask, ventilate well, avoid crowded areas, wash your hands and cover your nose and mouth with an elbow bend or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Follow the guidelines for your community and place of work. Do the best you can!
2-How do you keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19?
Keep at least 1 meter away from people, especially if they have a cough, runny nose, or fever. Keep an extra distance when you are indoors. The more distance you stay, the safer it is.
Develop the habit of wearing a mask in crowded places. Masks need to be used, stored, handled and disposed of properly to be as effective as possible.
The basic rules for wearing masks are outlined below:
If you put on or take off the mask or touch it, hygienize your hands.
Put the mask on so that it covers your nose, mouth and chin.
After removing the mask, put it in a clean plastic bag; cloth masks should be washed daily and medical masks should be disposed of with household garbage.
Flap masks should not be used.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
3-How to provide a safe epidemiological environment
- Avoid the "three K's": indoor areas where people stay crowded or in contact.
o Outbreaks are reported among restaurant guests, choir members, visitors to fitness clubs, nightclubs, offices, and places of worship, often with a history of staying in enclosed spaces where people talk loudly, shout, breathe heavily, or sing.
o When large numbers of people stay in close proximity to each other for long periods of time in poorly ventilated rooms, the risk of COVID-19 infection increases. Obviously, in these conditions, the virus spreads more efficiently through droplet particles or aerosols, making it more important to take preventive measures.
- Conduct outdoor encounters. Meeting people outdoors is much safer than indoors, especially if the room area is small and natural ventilation is poor.
Do not forget the basic rules of hygiene
Regularly treat your hands with an alcohol-containing agent or wash them with soap and water. This measure will eliminate possible microbial contamination of the hands, including viral contamination.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands if possible. A person touches many surfaces with their hands, so there is a chance of getting viral particles on them. Once on the hands, viral particles can enter the eyes, nose, or mouth. From these parts of the body, the virus can enter the body and cause illness.
Cover your mouth or nose with a bend of your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Used tissues should be discarded immediately into a tank with a lockable lid and hands washed. By practicing strict respiratory hygiene, you can protect others from diseases caused by viruses such as SARS, influenza and COVID-19.
Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, especially those that people often touch, such as door handles, faucets, and phone displays.
What to do if you feel unwell
Make sure you know the spectrum of COVID 19 symptoms. The most common symptoms of COVID 19 include elevated body temperature, dry cough, and fatigue. Other less common symptoms that occur in a number of patients include loss of taste or sense of smell, various pain sensations, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhea, or skin rash.
Even if you have mild symptoms of illness, such as a cough, headache, or slight fever, stay home on self-exclusion until you are well. Ask your health care provider or hotline for help. Arrange for someone to go to the store for you. If you need to leave the house or if you are living with someone, use a medical mask to avoid infecting those around you.
Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. If possible, call for help first and follow the directions of your local health authorities.
Keep up-to-date information from a trusted source, such as WHO or local or central public health authorities. Local and central health authorities can give the most appropriate advice on personal protective measures for people in your area.
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