Causes of male infertility and prevention

Infertility is a difficult diagnosis for most men. It especially affects those who are already married and want to have children with their wives. But even men who are not yet planning to have children often want to know more about infertility. What is it, where does infertility come from and are there effective treatments today?


Well, let's just say that male infertility is not a disease, but rather a state of the body. Only a qualified professional can determine infertility. That is why couples who have been trying unsuccessfully for months to have a child, sooner or later seek help from a doctor to consult and find out exactly what the problem is, and what are the methods of its solution.


Previously it was thought (and some are still convinced that this is the case) that infertility was a purely female problem. But modern research has shown that male infertility accounts for 30 to 55% of all the unsuccessful attempts to have children.


There are many reasons for male infertility. Can play a role and genetic disorders, and birth defects, hormonal imbalances in the body, and possible scrotal trauma, trauma pelvic organs, some operations (such as surgical treatment of inguinal hernia) may make a man infertile, obstruction of the seminal ducts, and up to diabetes and hypertension. There are also all sorts of viruses that affect the glands of the body. For example, the virus that causes mumps usually affects only the salivary glands, but in rare cases in boys are also affected and the testicles.



Do not forget, of course, and alcoholism - the real scourge of our modern society. What is considered the norm of alcohol consumption: a couple of cans in the evening, after work, a weekend binge, and a real binge on the holidays, leads to the fact that more and more men become infertile because of alcohol abuse every year.

Of course, the use of harder drugs also leads to the consequences, in the form of infertility, and a promiscuous sexual life, and with it its companions such as sexually transmitted diseases. It often happens that a young and healthy guy completely destroys his ability to reproduce by the age of twenty simply by his way of life - such is the harsh reality of our time.


The enumeration here of all these unpleasant things is necessary to form an idea, a clear understanding of the fact that the male reproductive system may be affected by a very large number of factors, and this system should be treated by the young man as a very fragile one requiring special care. This includes a certain prevention and elimination of the main risks associated with damage to the genital system.


Eliminating the risks includes, first and foremost, going to the doctor regularly for checkups. Only regular medical checkups can protect you from neglected diseases. A timely diagnosis often means the difference between a serious disease and one that is easily curable. This is especially important for boys of infantile age - they must be seen by a surgeon to check if the testicular neopus (cryptorchidism) has occurred.



Of course, it is also necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner in cases where you suspect yourself of a venereal disease. Remember that in this case the question is not only about the disease itself, but also about whether it will have time to harm your reproductive system, before it will be localized and treated. Well, about the need to exercise, less drinking and smoking, perhaps, is unnecessary to remind - it's already clear. You need to lead as healthy a life as possible, if you plan to have children in the future.


As for treatment, in this regard, unfortunately, medicine can not yet boast of much success. According to statistics, of those couples who sought help, but refused treatment, 35% still later achieved their goal, and they were able to conceive a child. Of those who did accept medical help, the percentage was 41%. There is a difference, of course, but it is not very significant. But that doesn't mean that medicine has nothing to offer.


There is, for example, artificial insemination, where the man's seminal fluid is injected artificially into the woman's vagina. This is done in such a way that the sperm gets into the cervix in its entirety, so to speak, and not just a small part of it, as it happens during a normal sexual intercourse.


But in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is much more popular. At one time, this method caused a sensation. The egg is taken from the female partner, and the sperm from the male partner. Fertilization then takes place not in the woman's body, but in a Petri dish in the doctors' lab. After fertilization, the zygote is inserted into the woman's uterus. All the doctor needs is at least one living sperm and a woman's ovaries working steadily.


IVF really does give hope sometimes, even to those who have lost it completely. A lot of children were born thanks to this method, which was invented more than fifty years ago, but is still very popular and frequently used. If you really want children, but have doubts about whether IVF or other treatments will help you, just see a specialist. He will prescribe and perform all possible and necessary tests, determine the cause and give his recommendations. This is much better than wasting precious time that you could have spent raising your children.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead