Child Development Indicators at 1 year of age
By age 1, children should have a range of cognitive, physical, social-emotional skills
Child Development Indicators at 1 year of age
Your child has reached one of the most memorable periods of infancy - 1 year old. He already understands simple directions. Many children at this age can walk and recognize familiar people. The age of 1 year marks the beginning of early childhood, a period in which many surprises await you. Let's look at what skills a child should develop by one year of age.
List of developmental indicators for a one-year-old child
Developmental indicators achieved
Emerging development indicators
Child gets to his feet with support
Child gets on her feet without support
The child can walk a few steps on his or her own
Child can walk longer distances
Can say simple single words
Can say simple phrases.
Child can imitate actions and gestures
Child can memorize gestures and show them in her/his own way
Child responds to simple directions
Child understands more complex directions and instructions
Child repeats sounds
Child remembers sounds and their sources
The child remembers where the object was last seen
Child puts objects in their place
Baby grabs things with her hands.
The child can bend down and pick up objects
Point at objects with her index finger
The child has developed movement with all fingers
The child has developed hand-eye coordination
The child is developing hand-eye coordination, hand and foot coordination
Indicators of a 1-year-old child's development
A child develops in three main areas: cognitive, physical, and social-emotional. At the age of one, the child is developing new skills in each of these areas.
Cognitive Development Indicators
These indicators are related to the development of cognitive functions, intellectual abilities, and overall brain development.
The child finds hidden objects easily. The child is no longer confused if you hide a rattle under a blanket. He knows to pull back the blanket to get the rattle.
The baby looks for objects in familiar places. If you always keep your baby's toy in the same place, he will look for it there every time he wants to play. This means that the child has a better visual memory.
The child is good at associating objects with their names. If you put a basket of fruit in front of your child and say the name, he will choose that particular fruit from the basket. At the age of one, it is easy for a child to remember the names of everyday objects.
The child uses the objects for their intended purpose. He takes a comb to comb his hair and holds the phone correctly. Over the course of months, your baby has been observing you and by one year of age has figured out how to use several objects correctly.
Your baby imitates actions and gestures. Wave your hand as you leave the room and he will repeat after you. The child observes and imitates different actions. This indicates significant brain development.
The child is trying to repeat sounds. For example, he may try to repeat the car horn or the funny sounds you make when you play with him. The child may not understand where the sound is coming from, but he is trying to repeat it.
Physical Development Indicators
These indicators are related to the child's growth and muscle development.
The child sits up easily. He can sit up without help and without leaning on any objects.
The child can get to his feet with support. The muscles and joints in his or her legs are strong enough to hold the weight of the body.
The child walks by holding on to objects that are nearby. He starts doing this almost as soon as he learns to stand on his feet.
A child can take a few steps without support. He lets go of your hand and takes his first steps. This marks the beginning of toddlerhood.
The baby can pick up objects in different ways. He can use his index finger and thumb, his thumb and the other four fingers, or grasp objects with the palm of his hand. This is how a child learns to take objects out of the box and put them back in.
Your child points at objects with his index finger. He can use his index finger separately from the others to point at objects.
Your baby is teething and six teeth are erupting. A 1-year-old usually has 3 pairs of central and lateral incisors.
The child's vision is more advanced. He develops hand-eye coordination and estimates distance better. He can throw objects more accurately (for example, when passing a ball).
Social and Emotional Development Indicators
These indicators relate to the development of social skills, temperament and the ability to express emotion.
A child responds to simple requests. When he is asked to pass an object, he does so. When he is told to sit down, he sits down. The child understands simple requests and knows what to do in response.
The child tries to talk. Now his words are not just babbling. When you talk to him, he tries to respond to you. His words can still
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