Children should not be allowed to play violent games

If you are a parent with children at home, then you are faced with this challenge  of allowing or not allowing your children to play video games in general.

Good evening amazing people, how y’all doing, today we are going to talk on this topic ‘children should not be allowed to be play violent video games. Kids are changing the way they think after long term exposure to violent video games says Dr Gentile. He explains that this can lead to changes in both thinking and behavior, they spend a lot of time looking for enemies and reacting quickly to aggression. For example, a child who regularly engages in video fantasy in the video game world fantasy may be more likely to think, say or do something aggressive or unkind if he or she bumps into someone accidentally. Whether it’s a musical instrument, a dance routine or learning how to play football, children practice activities over and over so they can perform them better and better. They develop themselves through the activities  and become more skilled at them both physically and cognitively, repeated exposure to violent games can provide a setting  for practicing violent behavior until a child learns how to do it well. Some games even allow children to play games and have discussions with unknown adults and peers.

Furthermore, children can become overly involved with video games, they may find it hard to control the amount of time gaming and even resist their parents attempt to limit the time they spend on games. The thing is, spending excessive time playing video games can lead to:

1.Less  time socializing with friends and family

2.Poor social skills

3.Time away from family, school work and other hobbies

4.Lower grades

5.Poor quality sleep

6.Aggressive thoughts and behaviour.


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