Classic meringue is a tried-and-true recipe that is guaranteed to work!

Prepare the dough!

Put 2 eggs, 150 grams of sugar, 120 grams of honey (it's better to use buckwheat honey) and 85 grams of good butter (not margarine or spread!) into a saucepan.


Place over medium heat and heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the butter is melted.


Add 1 full tsp. of baking soda.


Stir quickly. The mass will slightly increase in volume and lighten.


Remove from the heat and add 350 grams of sifted flour.


Mix well.


At this stage, the dough turns out quite sticky. But it should not be liquid! Now you need to leave the dough on the kitchen table for 10 minutes - to "rest" and "mature". If after this time the dough is still very sticky to your hands and table, add a little flour, not more than 50 grams, otherwise the dough will be too hard and it will be difficult to roll out.


The ready dough should be divided into equal slices (or just plucked). I get 12 cakes 18 cm in diameter. Also in advance you need to prepare sheets of parchment (baking paper) - by the number of future cakes.


Roll out and bake!

Before you start rolling out, turn on the oven. Bake the cakes for honeydew at 180 degrees. Take a piece of dough, knead it, put it on a sheet of parchment dusted with flour. 


Roll it out.


Very thinly! About 3 mm, almost to the gaps!


And so - all future cakes. Prick them with a fork in a few places. You can stack them on top of each other, they will not stick together and can wait their turn.


Bake one or more layers, depending on how long your oven allows. Mine optimally bakes only on medium level, so I usually bake one crust at a time. I always put a container of water under the baking tray, otherwise the bottom gets burnt. The shortcakes bake very quickly, up to 5 minutes. Watch! 


Take out the cake and immediately cut it on a plate (square or rectangular shape, if you want a proper meringue). Keep the trimmings.


Warm, the shortcake is quite soft. Porous, light and tender! Look!


Here we are, all the shortcakes are baked!


We take them off the parchment. I usually put them on parchment after I cut them to shape, to make sure that the baked cakes won't stick to each other:) Here they are, our golden honey beauties!


Let's make a cake!

For this cake, we need sour cream. You need to make it in advance, and how - I told and showed in detail in this post. Homemade honey cake can be assembled without the ring (if, for example, you don't make cakes often and took on the honey cake only because it doesn't need a special mold), but it's safer - still in it. I heartily recommend: nothing will leak anywhere, and the cake is guaranteed to turn out flat and beautiful! So, we take a ring (a special pastry, transformer or from split baking molds), put a film on the walls (I have - acetate, but you can any, the main thing - dense, the other will be difficult to distribute evenly on the wall).


Put the cake. Spread cream on it. Then another cake. And so on.


The top cake also lightly smeared with cream, so that it does not dry out.


Cover with clingfilm. And put it in the fridge at least overnight.


Then we have to take out the cake. And cover the sides with cream or scrap crumbs. Here they are.


We put them in a blender chopper and turn them into crumbs!


Sprinkle the cake on all sides. Basically, there will be enough cream on the sides for the crumbs to stick. But you can leave some of the cream you used to spread on the cakes to "sprinkle" it on the surface of your honeydew before you apply the crumble. However, if you do so, I suggest making a little more cream than what is specified in the recipe. Decorate the cake however we want! I have this creme-cheese florets on buttercream - total improvisation, very quick to dispose of the leftovers. But it turned out kind of nice!


Have fun adventures in the kitchen and delicious results!


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