Ingredients4 eggs;4 potatoes;2 carrots;1 onion;200-250g canned fish (salmon, pink salmon, saury, tuna or others);200-250g mayonnaise.
Boil the eggs in 10 minutes, potatoes and carrots - until tender. Separately grate whites, yolks, potatoes and carrots on a fine or medium grater.
Onion cut into small pieces and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes, then rinse with cold water. Crush the canned fish with a fork and remove large bones.
At the bottom of the salad bowl put some potatoes. Next lay the fish, onions, the rest of the potatoes, carrots and whites in turn. After each layer, brush with mayonnaise or spread a mayonnaise net. Sprinkle yolks on top. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before serving.
Bon appetit
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