Complete guide to lose weight

If you are in a part of life were you are embarrassed of all that fat around you and want to get rid of some weight you are on right place as Im a person who is only 19 years old and was 111kg(244pounds) heavy and Im standing at 80kgs in just 6 months So lets talk about how it was possible.

Changing your body

First of all it is important for us to get motivated and strugle for a change because without a certain motivation it gets nearly impossible to change your body 

• If you've been under a guidance of a person who is starving you first step is to kick that guy out cause it may drop a few pounds but it can cause drastic damage to your body that you'll feel in your daily life. Best way to lose weight is by losing it in a healthy way

What is healthy weight loss?

Healthy weight loss is a process in which you gradually lose your weight at a rate of about (1-3) depending upon your dedication

Why it is the best way? 

It has been studied that a person who lose weight in a healthy manner are often more successful at maintaining the weight and being more physically fit

How to lose weight?

In a healthy weight loss approach you'll try to take you caloric intake in deficite. For example if you were consuming 2000 calories a day and want to loose weight decrease your caloric intake to 1500 calories

After maintaining the caloric deficit diet next step is to burn calories to burn calories one of the best way is to do cardio but the part that nobody mentions is to do a bit of weight training so your muscle repairing can burn the calories even after the workout 

Once you've reached your desired physique now try to stick with the routine and get away from those greasy burgers 

Oky now it's time for an end cuz you've a bit of fat to burn see you next time


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