Herbal medicine to prevent covid? There are no researchers who have determined the corona herbal medicine because they do not have enough data to support the use of these herbal medicines. However, you can take some herbal remedies which will be described below, herbal remedies that can prevent some of the symptoms of COVID-19.
The danger of the corona virus which can spread quickly has caused tens of thousands of people to die. There have been many ways that have been done to prevent this covid-19, to always keep your immune system to fight bacteria and viruses that cause disease by consuming herbal medicines in the treatment of some of the symptoms of covid-19.
Quoted from the journal of clinical medicine, clinical evidence from various studies of herbal medicines in the treatment of SARS-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) shows significant results and supports the idea that herbal medicines have a very important role in the treatment and prevention of endemic diseases.
Herbal medicine that you can take to prevent covid-19
Herbal medicine has long been used in the treatment of infections and viruses such as influenza, fever, colds, and herpes. Using herbal medicine to treat various diseases is an action that has been carried out for thousands of years. The herbal plants that will be described below are not only used as cooking spices, but can be used as corona herbal medicines that can prevent some of the symptoms of COVID-19.
1. Lemongrass
Lemongrass is a spice plant that you can consume as a corona herbal medicine because lemongrass can prevent influenza viruses and nasal congestion, lemongrass is also a plant that can reduce fever and can reduce cholesterol in the body.
2. Red ginger
In addition to lemongrass, you can consume red ginger as a corona herbal medicine to boost the immune system. Because, red ginger contains high antioxidants so that it can prevent free radicals that cause cell damage in the body. And can treat respiratory infections such as flu and pneumonia.
3. Temulawak
The plant that you can consume for corona herbal medicine is temulawak, this herbal plant contains antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and various diseases. Boost your immune system to prevent you from covid-19.
4. Turmeric
You can consume turmeric as a corona herbal medicine because turmeric contains antioxidants and curcuminoids that can increase your immune system and can protect you from various diseases.
5. Moringa leaves
Moringa leaves are plants that have various benefits that are good for your body, the content of antioxidants and amino acids in Moringa leaves can not only increase endurance, but can repair any damage that can be caused by viruses.
Quoted from the journal of clinical medicine, in China, the National Health Commission declared the use of herbal medicine (herbal medicine) combined with medical treatment as a treatment for COVID-19, and has issued many guidelines regarding therapy with herbal medicine.
Until now, there is a lot of clinical evidence reporting the usefulness and effects of corona herbal medicines to prevent some of the symptoms of COVID-19. However, it still needs to be evaluated more deeply for the effectiveness and side effects of herbal medicines in the treatment of COVID-19.
In addition to taking herbal medicines, you also need to pay attention to your diet by eating nutritious foods, managing stress well, and doing physical activity by exercising regularly. Also make sure you take supplements and vitamins, and sunbathe in the morning to get vitamin D which is good for your immune system, and get enough rest so that your immune system doesn't have problems that have a bad impact on your body's health.
Thus an explanation of some plants that you can consume as a corona herbal medicine. Where, in ancient times the role of herbal medicine was very important to prevent infectious diseases. In addition to taking corona herbal medicines, you need to pay attention to body hygiene, the surrounding environment, and comply with health protocols and carry out vaccines that have been informed by the government. So that you can prevent the symptoms of covid-19 and can protect the people around you.
That's enough information that the aido team can provide, hopefully it will be useful.
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