Crypto is here to stay. This is the future.

Crypto in 2023


In December 2018, Galaxy Digital founder Mike Novogratz predicted that cryptocurrency markets could be in for some uncertainty in 2023. Now, he's back with more insight about what to expect from crypto over the next few years.

According to Novogratz, there will be a challenging period around 2023 as the next cycle comes to its peak. He added that while he doesn't think the situation will get as bad as it was in 2018, “it’s going to feel uncomfortable again." You're going to see this cycle where you have real venture money coming into the market," Novogratz said."You'll see another buzz around initial coin offerings (ICOs) and then 12 months of bearishness for crypto."

Galaxy Digital founder Mike Novogratz predicts that cryptocurrency markets could be in for some uncertainty in 2023.

Galaxy Digital founder Mike Novogratz predicts that cryptocurrency markets could be in for some uncertainty in 2023.

In an interview with CNBC, Novogratz said he believes the market will recover from its current slump, but there may be some bumps along the way.

"We're going to see a big move up on this space," he said when asked whether he thinks bitcoin prices will climb back up after their recent plunge below $3,000 per coin. "It's going to feel uncomfortable again."

According to Novogratz, there will be a challenging period around 2023 as the next cycle comes to its peak.

In the crypto market, there is no linear cycle to follow. While it can be tempting to think that each new boom will bring us higher than the last, this is not always true. The market doesn’t work on a straight line from peak to trough and back again—it follows an exponential curve, which means that while growth may slow down over time, it never stops entirely unless something big happens that disrupts the entire industry (like China banning cryptocurrency trading).

If you want to get involved in crypto as an investor or trader right now as we approach 2023, then it’s important for you to understand how these cycles work so you know what kind of conditions might lead up towards another boom period later in 2020 and 2021.

He added that while he doesn't think the situation will get as bad as it was in 2018, “it’s going to feel uncomfortable again.”

While the crypto market has recovered from its nadir, it will be a long slog for many players to get back to where they once were.

“You need a lot of time to get out of this bear market,” said Pearson. “It's not going to happen in one month or six months, but we're definitely on a path now that will lead us there."

Pearson added that while he doesn't think the situation will get as bad as it was in 2018, “it’s going to feel uncomfortable again."

“You’re going to see this cycle where you have real venture money coming into the market,” Novogratz said.

Venture capital (VC) is a form of financing that provides funds for businesses to grow. It can be used in the early stages of a company—that is, before it’s ready for initial public offering (IPO). venture capital is typically provided by private investors and can be in the form of equity or debt. The investments are often made through funds.

He explained that a buzz around initial coin offerings (ICOs) will come about, which will ultimately result in another bear market.

  • What is an ICO? An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a way for companies to raise funds by selling their cryptocurrency. These cryptocurrencies are usually built on Ethereum and have been popularly used to launch new blockchains or tokens.

  • How do you avoid being scammed by an ICO? While there are many legitimate ICOs out there, it’s important to make sure that you know what you’re getting yourself into before investing in one. If you find yourself interested in participating in an ICO, research the team behind the project as well as their past experience with startups and blockchain technology. Also look at whether they have already created products or services that relate to their current project idea; this should help indicate if they have expertise in what they are proposing.

  • Where do I invest my money if I want to get involved with cryptocurrencies? For those who aren't ready yet but still want some exposure, there's always Bitcoin futures contracts available through CME Group Inc., which currently trades them under ticker symbol "XBT."

First months of bearishness for crypto

In the first months of 2023, the crypto market could be experiencing some bearishness. While there is no guarantee that this will happen, it would not be unprecedented for this to occur as cryptocurrency has had many bear markets in its relatively short life.

In general, when people start to panic about a crash or downturn with regards to cryptocurrency prices, many people tend to sell their positions and lose out on profits they could have made by holding onto their coins longer or even simply buying more at lower prices. If you believe in the future utility value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, then you should prepare yourself for such an event by either selling half your holdings or creating a diversified portfolio with other assets like stocks and bonds (or real estate). In addition if possible consider hedging against price volatility with derivatives such as options contracts which allow traders/investors exposure without actually owning underlying securities!

2023 could look great for crypto investing

In 2023, Bitcoin will be back at $20,000. It'll be the dominant cryptocurrency and a viable alternative to fiat currency. Ethereum will be back at $2,500 and its smart contracts technology will have been adopted by governments and businesses around the world. Crypto investing will be back in favour with investors again looking for easy gains from altcoins rather than just the top two coins. The market is set for another bull run as long as you invest wisely during this time period.

Diversification and capital preservation in the interim may be a good idea

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to think that the crypto market will be a good place to invest in 2023. But before you buy into it, you should consider your own portfolio and risk profile. If you're looking for diversification and capital preservation in the interim may be a good idea. Using a portfolio or an SMA (stop loss order) are ways of reducing risk and protecting your investment if something goes wrong with one or more of your holdings (like Bitcoin).


This is a really good question and we'll try to answer it as best as possible.

Section: Cryptocurrencies are more than just a passing fad.

Section: They have the potential to replace fiat currencies in the next 5 years.

Section: This will make them a part of our everyday lives and impact every aspect of society, from health care and insurance to banking, payments, taxes and even politics.

Section: The benefits are enormous but there is still plenty of room for improvement before they become mainstream currencies.


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