Crystal Skull

It got to us from ancient times, legends have long been created around it, today's technology cannot possibly create something like this, and it is inconceivable that in those times it could have been made by primitive tools that humans used then. It's claimed to be the most mysterious object in the world. A miracle made of quartz crystal, culled so perfectly that it looks exactly like a life-sized human skull. The value of the crystal skull is invaluable. Then who made something like this and why, who did it serve?! There's a rumor going around that she has extraordinary powers, people who've been around her have noticed strange changes. What mysterious force does crystal skull possess? Can it heal or transform a man's psyche?

Crystal Skull is known as Mitchell-Hedges' Skull because it was found by Anna, the adopted daughter of F.A.Mitchell Hedges. It was found in Lubaantune (City of Fallen Stones) in British Honduras in 1924. In 2013, during archaeological excavations. And her discovery alone is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Since the age of the quartz crystal cannot be determined by dating using a radioactive carbon isotope, we cannot determine the exact age of the Crystal Skull. It is presumed to be 12,000 years old, although many push that limit to a fantastic few million years. The correct answer could only be obtained by breaking the Skull to determine the age of the water content in it, but its invaluable value does not allow it. Although in that case, we would only get the geological period in which the crystal was created, not the time when the Skull was made. The question is why the skull is made of quartz crystal, when it is an extremely hard material that is difficult to process. It is thought to have taken 300 years of patient processing, with sand and water used to smooth every part of the rock, and then grinding into incredibly precise details. It is claimed that the Crystal Skull has miraculous healing properties and contains telepathic information about the origins of mankind. It is thought to have been made or used in mythological Atlantis.Based on the fact that the Crystal Skull was found in Central America, and also because the motif of the coffin occupied an important place in the mayan and Actek cults, some assumed that this could have been a cult object used in religious rituals and in worship among these peoples.

Other crystal skulls found come from different archaeological sites in the mayan culture, and most of them are preserved by descendants of indigenous populations around the world. Four types of ancient crystal skulls

are known so far: ■ from pure quartz - completely


■ amethyst - purple

colours ■ pink quartz ■ smoked quartz - grey to black

For a time, especially in the 1940s, Skull had a much darker reputation. She was believed to be the 'Skull of the Terrible Court' and that anyone who watched her would be in an accident or die prematurely. Later, and especially in recent times, a more positive attitude towards her is taken. Skull is now believed to have healing power, and is also believed to be a store of information. Getting to this data and finding it will only be possible once we learn to draw knowledge from a living crystal computer. The Mayan city where the Crystal Skull was found, Lubaantun, is one of the last great centres of the Mayans, built in the eighth or ninth century AD. The whole landscape has grown into dense vegetation. Looks like he was a shopping hub for the man. The most spectacular part of the city is the amphitheatre, one of the largest discovered in the missing Mayan world. It seems that the remains of Lubaantun encompass a period of only one and a half centuries before the city was inexplicably abandoned, sometime in the ninth century AD.
The villages of Maya were found in Guatemala, where these people resided in the seventh century BC. But their civilization reached its zenith between 300 and 300 000 000. - 900. After Christ. Then, for as yet undetermined reasons, this unique civilization disintegrated, and the people faded enigmatically or moved away.
Because of its priceless value, Skull is kept in the safe deposit box of a bank in mill valley, California. Crystal Skull has been subjected to many scientific research. It started in 1964. When Anna Mitchell Hedges took Skull to New York with the Dorland couple. They studied Skull for six years in their California apartment. One night when they decided it was too late to put her back in the safe, Dorland sat by the fireplace, and next to him on the coffee table was Skull. Suddenly he noticed that the eyes of the Skull faithfully reflected the fire. This remarkable observation led to the discovery of a mysterious and unique optical system built into the Skull. How, no one knows! Under a microscope, Dorland discovered incredibly sophisticated optics. In the upper part of the skull's lip cavity, he found a wide transparent body that was similar to a prism that breaks light at a 45-degree angle. This prismatic surface directed the light under the Skull into its eye sockets. Another thin surface was culled that could have served as magnifying glass. More than six inches of natural crystal in one piece extends a canal with no obstacles or inclusions.

The printed text that would look through it would be both legible and enlarged. Behind what appears to be a deliberately honed prism, one concise - convex surface used to sum up a beam of light, which is then thrown at the prism and from there into the eye sockets. The back of the skull is masterfully made like the lens of a modern camera, which collects light from all over and reflects it into the eye sockets. The skull also indicates zigomatic arches. They're carved into relief next to the cheekbones, like a real human skull. You can't see that on any statue in the world. The jaw bone is detached and can be removed. It's perfectly fitted in two polished bearings and easily moved up and down! On one occasion, Frank Dorland spotted a halo around the skull, similar to the ring around the moon. The ring spanned about 45 centimetres and disappeared only after six minutes.
In 1970, Crystal Skull was the first of its kind. In 2013, she was taken to Hewlett Packard's lab in Santa Clara, California, for detailed testing. It's one of the leading laboratories in the world for this kind of research. Afterwards, one of the employees stated: 'There is no way to determine the age of skull'. Probably many of the ideas about mysteries and evil circulating in Skull came from her eyes. By moving the light source or easily changing the angle of observation, you get an endless array of images and patterns due to the rewind of light. It can seem very hypnotic.' And in the laboratory itself, skull caused excitement and anxiety. Even the professionals who worked there, who knew until the smallest of crystals and its characteristics, remained immune to skull. In the end, the lab experts agreed that, assuming they got a piece of crystal the same size, even the top crystal component manufacturers with the latest technology today would not be able to make a Skull similar to this one. Or as one of the crystallographers at hewlett packard's lab put it, '... This damn thing just shouldn't exist!'
Crystals can somehow mysteriously affect the human world. And the Dorland couple who examined Skull didn't escape the mental effects of Skull. In a strange way, the Crystal Skull affected their consciousness. Other people who first encountered Skull reacted to meeting her. Some were getting sleepy and some had trouble breathing or heart palpitations. In some people, it seemed to stimulate the sense of smell and created the impression that it emitted the aroma of the musk, which was indescribable. In the presence of Skull, some people heard a light chorus of voices or the bells of the prawns.
The World Centre for Puzzled Phenomena Research has conducted numerous experiments with crystal skulls for four years. The electronic equipment used in these experiments could measure the energy impact of crystal skulls on humans. The results of these

studies indicate the following: ■ In crystal skulls at work, there is an unknown intelligence or program that is embedded in them, which is influenced by the persons who underwent the study creating specific energy fields. The effect of these fields on the tested persons was positive and the instruments recorded an increase in harmony and balance in their biomagnetic fields.
■ In people who meditated near the crystal skull, the following phenomena were recorded: some were in a state of alternative consciousness, others had a variety of visions, some felt the release of deep emotions or karma stored in their chakras or physical bodies, and fewer tested felt great joy or were blessed and elated.
■ In some people, contact with crystal skulls triggered later specific dreams or would feel the energy of the skulls for days. In some test participants there was also the spontaneous opening of their inner, spiritual abilities - primarily the third eye or the ability to hear ghosts.
■ Many of the people who took part in these tests later reported to the Centre for root changes that occurred to them after contact with crystal skulls. Previous unpleasant and undesirable situations were quickly eliminated or suddenly the possibility for a solution to these situations emerged, bringing them peace and joy.
Phyllis Geld, co-author of the book The Message of the Crystal Skull, wrote: 'I believe skull can be used as a spiritual focus to extract wisdom and knowledge from the collective unconscious. They're comparing the crystal skull to a crystal omniscient computer just waiting for us to discover the right access code.'
An old Central American legend, believed in by both the Mayans and Acteci, says that the world has been destroyed four times, that we live under the fifth sun, and that our world will be destroyed by the tremors of the Earth when every life will disappear.
According to the Mayan calendar, the world was created on August 13, 3114. 21st, 2012, and will be completely devastated on 21.12.2012. Year. The scribes of this ancient people, believed to have known astronomy well, left many texts with prophecies, especially those related to solar eclipses. One of the legends that has been preserved to date suggests that since the time humans inhabited twelve planets there are thirteen crystal skulls. All the crystal skulls were entrusted to the people who inhabited the Earth, called Atlanta. Atlanta was then left with these crystal skulls by the Mayans. If humans were able to collect all these skulls in one place, they could provide us with data on our origins and tell us how to avoid an oncoming catastrophe.
Our ancestors, according to tradition, used to get crystal skulls to speak, and even move their jaws. Whatever you think of the Crystal Skull and its insoluble mystery, know that psychologists do not recommend that you put yourself in altered states of consciousness. But who can resist the secret of the Crystal Skull?


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