Delicate chocolate cake with sour cream

Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes


Cooking cream: 20 minutes




Flour - 150 gr. 

Sugar - 150 gr. 

Kefir - 160 ml. 

Egg - 2 pcs. 

Cocoa - 1 tbsp. 

Butter - 1,5 tbsp. 

Baking powder - 1 tsp.


For the cream: 


Sour cream - 1,5 tbsp. 

Boiled condensed milk - 3 tbsp.


Preparation process: 


1) In a deep bowl, combine the cocoa with the sifted flour.

2) Add the baking powder to the dry products. Stir the mixture.

3) Separately, beat the eggs and sugar until the dry ingredient is completely dissolved.

4) Pour the kefir into the egg mixture. Stir the products together.

5) Pour the liquid mixture to the dry products. Immediately add the melted butter. Beat until smooth.

6) Pour the chocolate batter into the baking dish.

7) Put the product for 40-50 minutes in a preheated 160 degrees oven. Then let the product cool completely and divide it into two layers. We cut off the top for decoration.

8) You can make sour cream. For it we combine sour cream with boiled condensed milk.

9) Beat the products with a mixer for a few minutes until a thick and fluffy mass is obtained.

10) Spread the cream and shape the cake. Decorate it with sponge cake crumbs, put it in the fridge and serve!


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