Diet for weight loss for women: diet menu for the week

4 common mistakes

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the diet for weight loss, it is necessary to name the most gross mistakes that are made by women who have decided to "declare war" on extra pounds:


Simply eating less. The general strategy is correct - the amount of food consumed does need to be reduced. However, at the same time, we must not forget about the need to monitor the balance of the diet. Prolonged under-receipt by the body of those or other nutrients is guaranteed to cause metabolic disorders, which in the long term will only accelerate the set of the hated excess weight.

Salvation starvation. Even a grosser mistake is the complete refusal of food - that is, starvation. It should be understood that completely deprived of nutrition fat cells are subjected to metabolic stress, so immediately after resuming eating they begin to make "reserves" at double speed - just in case the hunger suddenly happens again. Starvation is successfully used to treat certain diseases, but obesity is not included in their list.

Mono diets. Diets of this type prescribe 4-6 times a day to eat 200-300 grams of some low-calorie product - apples, cucumbers, low-fat kefir, etc. Unfortunately, such a diet is not suitable for sustained weight loss for the same reasons that were outlined in the above two paragraphs. Mono-diets are recommended as a one-day unloading day after some one-time "violations" - for example, a heavy feast on New Year's Eve.

Lack of water. The most critical mistake for women trying to lose weight is not drinking enough plain water. A shortage of free fluid impedes the breakdown of fat deposits, as a result of which it is impossible to lose weight even on the most stringent diets. In addition, sometimes the constant feeling of hunger is caused by dehydration of the body, but after the regulation of the drinking regime the irrepressible desire "to chew something" quickly disappears.



It should also be remembered that sometimes gaining excess weight is due to endocrine disorders - especially during or after menopause. Diets alone to fix this problem do not work. In such a situation, it is better to consult an endocrinologist.


Allowed foods

The general rules of an effective diet for weight loss for women are the following four points:


completely eliminate "empty" carbohydrates;

Reduce fats to a minimum (but not completely eliminate them!);

A sufficient amount of protein foods should be present in the menu;

Make sure that your diet contains enough vitamins and minerals.

On this basis, the following types of products and dishes are allowed to eat:


Flour products. Rye bread, bread with bran, products of wholemeal flour.

First courses. Lenten vegetables - cabbage soup, beet soup, borscht, vegetarian cabbage rolls.

Meat and fish. All lean varieties in boiled or stewed form.

Cereals. Buckwheat and barley as crumbly porridge.

Vegetables. All kinds of vegetables in raw, stewed or boiled form.

Eggs. Boiled or hard-boiled, steamed omelets.

Dairy products. Lean milk and kefir, low-fat sorts of cheese and cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, unsweetened yoghurt.

Fats. Vegetable and butter in the composition of dishes.

Appetizers. Salads from raw or boiled vegetables with small quantity of vegetable oil, seafood.

Sauces. Tomato or mild mushroom.

Dessert. Berries and fruits of sour-sweet varieties, compotes and jellies without sugar.

Drinks . Tea and weak coffee with sugar substitutes, decoction of rosehip or chicory roots, tomato juice, sugar-free compotes.

Forbidden products

Products made of first- and highest-grade wheat flour;

Products of puff pastry and bakery dough;

First courses with the addition of cereals (except permitted) and pasta;

all kinds of fatty meats or fish - including in the form of broths;

lard, cooking fats;

cooked and smoked types of sausages;

canned fish in oil;

Pasta, semolina, rice, pulses;

potatoes - limited;

Melted milk, cream, and sweet yoghurts;

Fatty varieties of cheese and cottage cheese in any form;

Fatty or spicy sauces and snacks;

Refined sugar in any form; cocoa;

sweet fruits - bananas, grapes, raisins, dates, figs.

Dietary regimen

The most difficult question of weight loss is how many times a day to eat? The optimal variant: five times - three main meals and two intermediate snacks in order to suppress the growing sense of hunger. Snacks should be as light as possible - for example, eat an apple or a boiled egg.


If there is no time for snacks, it is quite possible to limit the standard breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the last meal should not be later than 19 hours. If hunger interferes with sleep, you can eat a piece of ham, a white boiled egg or some jelly. But kefir, which is so often recommended, is better not to drink at night - it often creates fermentation in the intestines.


A sample diet menu for the week



Breakfast: casserole of vegetables.

Lunch: mushroom borscht, meat loaf with stewed carrots, fruit jelly.

Dinner: carrot-cottage casserole.



Breakfast: mashed potatoes with boiled beets.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken with carrot puree, fruit jelly.

Dinner: Vegetarian Olivier dressed with sour cream.



Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with a little butter.

Lunch: green cabbage soup with a boiled egg, stew with a side dish of green peas, baked apples. 

Dinner: fruit salad.



Breakfast: baked herring, boiled potatoes.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, salad with stewed beets, beef stroganoff with boiled meat.

Dinner: mashed zucchini, one egg omelette.



Breakfast: scrambled eggs with one egg, vegetable salad with a little sour cream or vegetable oil.

Lunch: beet soup, stew with raw vegetables.

Dinner: boiled fish, stewed cabbage.



Breakfast: pearl porridge with little bit of butter.

Lunch: borscht or soup, boiled meat, salad with stewed beets.

Dinner: Vegetarian stuffed cabbage rolls.



Breakfast: Vinaigrette with some vegetable oil.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled meat with stewed cabbage.

Dinner: boiled potatoes and steamed omelet.

The daily norm of bread - no more than 150 grams.


One more thing as a conclusion

A properly structured diet provides a sure and steady loss of excess weight, but such weight loss is likely to occur unevenly if the diet is not supplemented with an individually selected set of exercises.


This is easy enough to do: you just need to buy a club card of a good fitness center and contact a trainer-instructor for appropriate advice. The combination of diet and fitness will help to quickly bring your weight and figure in an ideal state - and isn't that what every woman dreams of?


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead