Do Animals Have Blood Types Like Humans?

When a patient receives a blood transfusion, it is important to make sure the blood given matches the patient's blood type. Human red blood cells are covered in specific antigens that have been passed down over time. Based on the presence or absence of these antigens (which can be proteins, carbohydrates or lipids), human blood belongs to certain blood groups. There are over 600 different antigens that can be simplified into 35 different blood groups. Blood types are determined by the blood groups of the parents, based on the ABO blood group antigen system. Another important blood group system is Rh, which determines (+) or (-) after the ABO classification. The human body can regulate it in such a way that it does not allow foreign blood groups to mix in the body. For example, if a person has blood type A, then his body will have antibodies that look for antigens found in blood group B. So, what about animals? Do animals have the same blood group as humans? And can animals give blood transfusions to other animals?

Animal blood type

The ABO blood type antigen is one of the most important classifications for human red blood cells, but the ABO blood group is absent in animals. Dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and other animals clearly have blood, but the antigen group that is outside Their red blood cells are very different from the antigens found in humans. This is likely due to the evolutionary development of these animals that certain antigens have become more important for survival and thus passed down through successful generations. For example, dogs have about 12 blood types, 8 of which are called DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigens) and this is equivalent to ABO group in humans. Two of these 8 DEAs were found in the cells of 98% of dogs, making them very important markers for blood transfusions. DEA 1.1- is considered a universal donor for dogs, while DEA 1.1+ is considered a universal recipient, which is quite similar to humans, i.e. type o- blood in humans is considered universal donor blood, although there is a small possibility for negative antigen interactions. Dog donors the donating blood must have its blood type that matches the recipient in an ideal scenario. However, cross-matches can be done to ensure compatibility in the case of different blood types. In addition, the donor dog must be in excellent condition, free from disease and parasites, and not on strict medication. Meanwhile, cats are a bit more complicated than dogs because they only have an AB system, like humans. Cats can be blood type A, B, or AB, but humans still cannot accept transfusions from cats.Most cats have Type A blood, some have Type B, and a small number have AB. The grouping may be the same as the human blood group, but the antigens are different. All these blood groups are determined based on the same qualification, namely the type of antigen present on the red blood cells of these animals.

7 Unique Animal Blood Types

The following are the blood types of some animals that will make you shake your head because of the large number of them.

1. Cat

This one pet has three blood types whose names are similar to humans, you know, namely blood types A, B and AB. In the United States, almost Native American and mixed breed cats have blood type A. While specifically for blood type B, cats with Persian, Sphynx, Devon Rex, Cornish Res, Birman, Somali breeds are usually owned by cats. Wow that's really cool.

2. Dog

In addition to pets such as cats, it turns out that dogs have more blood types, even up to 13 blood groups which are divided into two major groups, including DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) and SCT. Some of them are DEA 1.2, DEA 3, DEA 4, DEA 5, DEA 6, DEA 7, DEA 8, SCT A, SCT B, SCT D, SCT E and DEA 1.1 which are also divided into negative and positive.

3. Cow

The blood group in cattle also has 11 blood groups, you know, including blood types A, B, C, F, J, L, M, R, S, T and Z. Especially for blood group B, it turns out to have 60 antigens. This makes it difficult to do blood transfusions on this blood group in cows.

4. Horse

This riding animal turns out to have 8 blood types, you know. Blood types in horses consist of blood types A, C, D, K, P, Q, T, and U which will form a combination of 30 different blood types. There are several types of blood type A in horses such as aA1, aA', aH, aA'H and others. Complicated too huh?

5. Primates

Blood types in primates are not as complex when compared to domesticated animals such as dogs. Primate blood types are the same as human blood groups, namely A, B, AB, and O. Blood types based on the rhesus system are blood types that are inspired by the Rhesus macaque primate (Macaca mulatta). So the rhesus blood type in humans was first discovered in primates, you know.

6. Sheep

There are 7 blood types in sheep consisting of blood groups A, B, C, D, M, R, and X. Blood type B in sheep is very polymorphic and has a lot of antigens. While the R blood group is similar to the J blood group in cattle, the antigen is easily soluble.

7. Goat

Goats have 5 blood types, namely A, B, C, M and J which are not much different from the blood type of sheep. Even blood type J in Goats is similar to blood type J in other livestock such as Cows and Sheep. This family!

Well, that's 7 animal blood types that are not widely known. The blood types of the various animals above are very unique. For that we should be grateful to God for the diversity that exists.


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