Do this to make Facebook account hacker proof

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platforms in the world.  Facebook has the option to communicate with friends and family and earn revenue beyond just sharing posts.


There are no people among us today who do not use Facebook.  People use Facebook to share photos, stories and political views.  The high popularity of the platform has also led to cyber attacks such as hacking and malware attacks.  There are some basic things you can do to keep your Facebook account safe.  Read on to find out more.


 Use a strong and unique password


 Strong passwords are the first defense against hacking attacks.  Always select passwords that are not easy to guess but that you can easily remember.  Never use date of birth, name, car number, phone number, etc. as your password.  Never use a parent's or partner's birthday, or most related words or events as a password.




 Also, be careful not to use passwords used on Facebook on other platforms.  You should also avoid sharing your passwords with others.  Most of the passwords used by many of us can be broken in seconds.  12345 and "Password" are the most used passwords in our country.  Various tools for breaking passwords are also available today.


 Activate two-factor authentication (2FA)


 Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is one of Facebook's latest security settings.  The 2FA regulation has also been made mandatory for those at risk of cyber-attacks, including journalists and human rights activists.  All you have to do is log in and verify with your smartphone when logging in from your new device that Facebook does not identify with.




 High-risk accounts that do not activate the Facebook Protect feature have been locked out of Facebook since March 17.  Those who do not activate the two factor authentication through the Facebook Protect feature are likely to lose access completely in the coming days.  Two-factor authentication is mandatory at this stage for accounts most likely to be hacked.  Activating two-factor authentication also adds an extra layer of security to accounts.


 Sign up for the Unrecognized Login Alert


 Another security feature on Facebook is the Unrecognized Login Alert.  This unrecognized login alert feature that alerts you when an FB account is accessed from any device or location that Facebook does not identify with.  Such alerts will be sent to the user's primary device (usually the smartphone).


Remove your personal profile from the search results


 Make sure your personal profile is not visible in searches performed by search engines such as Google.  There is an option for this in the Settings and Privacy section of Facebook.  This is because the accounts in the search results come to the attention of cyber criminals.  We have also seen that photos and profile information in search results are being misused in various ways.


Do not accept front requests from strangers

It is advisable not to accept friendly requests from people you do not know.  These people may be scammers who come in with fake accounts.  Receiving front requests from them may cause spam to enter your account.  They can also take your information by sending malware files and links.  Such scammers can also tag you in bad posts.


 Do not click on suspicious links or extensions

Do not click on links sent by unfamiliar people.  Facebook also warns users not to install unfamiliar extensions like this.  Clicking on such links may also result in the theft of your personal information.  Your account information may also be stolen.  Cybercriminals can also gain access to your account details and personal information through extensions.


Set trusted contacts

Setting up trusted contacts on Facebook will also help keep the account secure.  You can also recover lost accounts and pages through the Trusted Contacts feature.  This method sends a URL to someone on the trusted contact list to regain access to your Facebook account.  You can re-access your account with this URL.  Your closest friends should be set up as trusted contacts.


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