Earth Day: why we celebrate it and what we can do for the environment

Earth Day: why we celebrate it and what we can do for the environment

Every year, April 22 is celebrated around the world as Earth Day. It has been more than 50 years since this day is dedicated to our planet.

It was first celebrated in 1970 as an eco-friendly holiday in America, and the main goal was to raise issues in the field of ecology, such as recycling waste, reducing our waste burden and finding renewable energy sources. A year later, the UN began organizing the day. The rest of the world has joined America since 1990, and April 22 has become International Earth Day.


Today, Earth Day commemorates more than 193 countries around the world. It is a day that is celebrated across countries, regardless of origin, religion or nationality. After all, we all live together on this planet of ours, we must protect it and take care of it.


The change begins with the individual

We have only one planet, which is essential for our lives, and therefore we should be more aware of our impact on it and on the living conditions that we influence through our behavior. Increasing waste pollution, high land use, high deforestation and melting glaciers are just some of the problems that plague environmentalists and call for states and individuals to make changes. While the state may command or restrict something from us, it is up to each of us to behave consciously and responsibly towards the environment. Only in this way can we bring about real change.


COVID-19 had a positive impact on the environment

The pandemic has affected our lives in many ways and has turned them beyond recognition. However, among other things, it brought us something positive. Travel, especially air transport, has been reduced, which is also beginning to be reflected in the environment. We are becoming more aware of the consumer life we ​​have led so far and how little we really need. Again, we spend more time in nature and dive more inside. It seems that nature itself has made sure that we stop for a moment and think, because everything is fleeting and we cannot take anything for granted. Neither our health nor the "health" of our planet. That is why the changes begin in our home. It is we who must put pressure on the state and the surrounding area.


What we buy is important

That's why it's important to change our daily habits, including what we buy and where. Buy products that are based on natural ingredients and are less harmful to the environment. More and more of you are looking for a way to local brands made of natural ingredients.


Let's pay attention to what we buy, let's also pay attention to other little things that will have a positive impact on the environment. Replace your car with a bicycle or try to walk more or use public transport, save water and turn off the light, separate waste and recycle, reduce plastics.

You know: ZERO WASTE. It is a lifestyle that encourages the re-use of things in order to reduce waste generation and, above all, the use of plastics.


Be the driving force around you. You can start slowly and gradually. Every positive change counts. Inspire others and share information on social networks to protect our common environment.


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