Education is Key

We Wake up to this world of such a lot of stuff and have no questions to it.One of them is education.We ask so many questions in why we need Education in order to make a life for ourselves well good question its a question no one can really answer but in my perspective I believe we need Education so that one day we can proudly say I've also graduated and I've also achieved this because I went to school not because I was told so it was because I knew what I wanted to myself.

In most cases people drop out seeing it better to leave school and make a life of their own.Some have turned out great from seeing people I've known and grew up with.Everything seems to be going well for them but what is more exciting is knowing that you've graduated and achieved your goals and making your parents proud in your academic.

Education is important to us all we need it in order to be able to stand as one and not individually and help the ones who couldn't make it through out the years of Education.I believe working together we can do more by starting of by having each other's back in the Education sector so that we all can be something so bright in future.

We all have wishes and goals we want to Each And we can make it work through Education all we need to do is to Make it count.


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