Electronic Buses Technology

Electronic bus (abbreviated as EB) is a vehicle that uses computer systems to control its operation and ensure the smooth flow of traffic throughout the fleet. It can autonomously transport passengers, their luggage, goods or vehicles in a car pool manner. The first electronic bus was introduced into service by London Regional Transport in 1989 on route 52 – this service is still in use today with low-floor buses. Electronic Bus is also known as driverless bus or autonomous vehicle because it does not have any human drivers onboard.


Unlike an ordinary bus, which has a steering wheel for controlling direction and speed, an electronic bus does not need drivers to operate them since all actions are controlled through computers using GPS navigation system and radio communicators to communicate between each other. In this case, there will be no requirement for operators inside the vehicles who would only monitor messages coming from GPS navigational equipment about the location of all vehicles within the fleet at any given time.

Electronic buses are designed so that they can travel without any human intervention due to their ‘intelligent’ self-driving software system that recognizes surrounding conditions and responds accordingly using cameras attached on top of all vehicles to detect

In contrast to human drivers, electronic vehicles are programmed with GPS maps, detailed descriptions of the surrounding environment and a list of approved destinations. The vehicle is therefore able to recognize its location in space and navigate safely without any human input.

Unlike ordinary buses that run on scheduled routes, electronic transportation uses an advanced navigation system for allocating each vehicle to the nearest suitable departure point at every moment. It can be said that an autonomous fleet does not have any fixed routes or schedules since it’s planned through a computer program called ‘articulated control model’ which enables the vehicles to coordinate their activities optimally regardless if there is one or multiple passengers onboard.

An automated bus could be considered as the next logical step from self-driving cars; once mass adoption has taken place, there would no longer be a need for individual drivers who would then extend their service hours into early morning and late evening hours when demand is usually highest due to increased safety concerns regarding vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This also opens up opportunities for more flexible working practices by allowing employees to work flexibly within the same business unit instead of being dispersed across different locations based on geographical proximity while doing so.

The advantages of using electronic public transport include higher operational efficiency because no driver needs to be present during passenger boarding or unboarding thus reducing waiting time at bus stops thereby significantly increasing overall passenger throughput capacity compared with traditional methods like asking many people per minute how much time it takes for example

The disadvantages of using electronic public transport are that they require an infrastructure upgrade to support wireless communications and also the lack of a physical presence by the operator during passenger boarding or unboarding thus increasing waiting time at bus stops therefore reducing overall passenger throughput capacity compared

The advantages of autonomous vehicles are that they can be utilized for a wider range of transportation services like shared, taxi-like services (called ‘on demand mobility’) as well as individually owned personal vehicles. These vehicle types would not only be able to share same infrastructure but at times even complement each other such as in case when you want to travel from point A to B in your own car but then decide later on that you would rather use public transport back home because it is faster or more comfortable. This increases the number

The disadvantages are similar to those faced with electronically assisted public transport due to higher initial cost associated with new technology and automated driving safety concerns which have yet to be completely answered by researchers and manufacturers alike. For example, what happens if drivers do not follow all road rules? What happens if there is no driver onboard? What happens in the event of accidents? etc.. Although these questions remain unanswered, research has shown that this new form of transportation could potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up t o 90%. One way this can be achieved is through ride sharing applications whereby people offer their cars for rent via mobile application platforms thereby significantly increasing access/expansion potential while simultaneously saving money on individual ownership


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