EU Global Strategy
Today, more than ever, we need a strong European Union. This is what our citizens deserve, this is what the world community expects. Our European project, which brought with it unprecedented peace, prosperity and democracy, is being called into question. To the east of our borders, the European security system has been broken, while the countries of North Africa, the Middle East and Europe itself are facing the problem of terrorism and violence. Yet it is also a time of extraordinary opportunity. Global growth, mobility and technological advancement, together with our growing partnerships, provide the conditions for prosperity and enable more people to escape poverty, live longer and live freer.
The EU Global Strategy defines the main interests and principles for greater participation in the affairs of the whole world and gives the European Union a common direction. Its goal is to make Europe stronger, more united and influential on the world stage, as well as capable of fully ensuring the security of its citizens, respecting their interests and upholding values. In order to solve the new tasks facing us and ensure common security, we must combine the instruments of domestic and foreign policy. The EU Global Strategy will help us become more effective in dealing with energy security, migration, climate change, extremism and hybrid wars. Since EU Member States cannot deal with these problems alone, we must take steps to address them together. We will navigate this hectic, increasingly connected, competitive and complex world, guided by our common interests and principles. Together we will build a stronger Europe.
The objective of the EU Global Strategy is to turn the vision into a joint action plan. In October 2016, the EU Foreign Ministers agreed on the most important strategic priorities for the implementation of the EU Global Strategy (Council Conclusions, October 2016). Among them are defense and security, building resilience, an integrated approach to conflict and crisis resolution, internal and external interconnections, preparing new strategies and strengthening mechanisms for public diplomacy.
Strategic Priorities
1. Defense and security:
As part of the implementation of the EU Global Strategy, decisive steps are being taken in the field of defense and security. In November 2016, the EU Foreign and Defense Ministers approved a new, more ambitious level of cooperation in this area and developed key steps to ensure the security of our Union in accordance with the provisions of the Global Strategy (Council Conclusions). These Conclusions are based on the Defense and Security Action Plan presented by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. The purpose of this action plan is to strengthen the protection of the EU and its citizens, help member states jointly build military capabilities, and develop better crisis response mechanisms. Further steps towards EU security include the European Defense Action Plan, under which member states will receive financial assistance to improve the effectiveness of joint procurement activities and develop defense capabilities. It also provides for work on the implementation of the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the EU and NATO
2. Building resilience and an integrated approach
Increasing resilience within the Union and beyond requires better mechanisms for responding to ongoing events. The EU will continue to strengthen the resilience of states and societies by supporting good governance and accountable institutions, and working closely with civil society. In particular, EU support programs will be directed to our neighbors from the south and east, from Central Asia to Central Africa. The EU will also support an integrated approach to conflict and crisis resolution, making it necessary for the EU to be fully involved in all stages of conflict, including conflict prevention activities. If possible, the EU also intends to maintain its presence in the conflict zone until the final transition to peaceful life.
3. Strengthening internal and external relationships
Strengthening internal and external relationships requires closer cooperation among EU Member States. Issues such as countering terrorism, violence and extremism, migration, sustainable development and cybersecurity in the EU need a common political strategy and common institutions.
4. Updating existing strategies and preparing new ones
In such a complex world, it is necessary to combine traditional approaches to diplomacy, security and defense with effective diplomatic efforts in the field of climate change control, energy, economics and culture. In the context of the adoption of the EU Global Strategy, we are reviewing all areas of our policies to bring them into line with today's rapidly changing realities and guarantee the safety of our citizens.
5. Strengthening mechanisms of public diplomacy
In such a closely interconnected world, it is essential to present to all a clear vision of the principles of the EU and its global aspirations. We work closely with government and non-government partners and continue to support academic mobility, alumni associations and youth initiatives. Promoting EU programs such as Erasmus+, the leading academic exchange program, and Horizon 2020, a multibillion-dollar research and innovation program, is also an important part of the EU's public diplomacy agenda.
An important component in this context are goals related to sustainable development. Human rights, peace, security, gender equality and the empowerment of women in society are an integral part of all EU policy. In order to reflect all points of view as clearly as possible, the EU Global Strategy and its implementation process will continue to be based, inter alia, on the results of various activities on the topic and analyzes developed by the scientific community.
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