Exploring the universe and its facts

Facts of Universe

     Universe, the word indicates whatever we see we observe we imagine is included. But some interesting facts you might not know which are explained below:

1. Universe is far far greater than our imagination in fact the universe might has no end line. 

2. Galaxies are the small (not smaller for us) building blocks of universe.

3. The galaxy in which we live is named as "The Milky Way".

4. Our neighbor galaxy is named as "Andromeda Galaxy".

5. The distance between stars or galaxies is measured in a unit named as "Light Year".

6. Trillion of galaxies combine to form a small cluster of galaxies while trillion trillion clusters combine to form a small portion of universe.

7. We are in our own galaxy the Milky way. If we move with the speed of light for 100000 years we will jusy go out of our own galaxy. So think how big the universe would be which has trillion trillion clusters of that galaxies.


This discussion indicates that there  is a super natural power behind all this making and smooth sailing. That is none other than Allah (The Almighty)

I think if a human being wants to explore space physically it is nearly impossible for him because according to Einstein mass energy equation it is impossible for human or any other material object to go with or faster than speed of light.

But the imagination and observation power which the human has gotten naturally from Allah (The Almighty) is strong enough to think and observe or just imagine the universe.

Telescope 🔭 is the major instrument which has contributed to modern day science discoveries of space and exploration of it.

New technologies will definitely help human being to discover more about space and maybe some day space travel is started. Thanks


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