Failure is Not Forever (Failure is Part of the Success)

Failure is Not Forever

Failure is Not The End of The World

It seems that failure is more public than success. Or at least that's how we see it. Whenever we come up with an unconventional idea, we loathe it, try to avoid it, and question ourselves. But the simple truth is - great success is impossible without failure. It could be an epic failure. Or a string of failures—like Edison's 10,000 attempts to make the light bulb, or Dyson's 5,126 attempts to invent the bagless vacuum cleaner. But whether we like it or not, failure is a necessary stepping stone to achieving our dreams.

I did not fail. I found 10,000 ways that didn't work. -Thomas EEdison'sSuccess is mostly achieved by those who do not know that failure is inevitable. - Coco Chanel Don't judge me by my achievements, judge me by how many times I fall and get up. - Nelson Mandela Our greatest glory is never failing but standing up every time we fail. - Confucius never made mistakes, and never tried anything new. —Albert Einstein The difference between ordinary people and successful people is their perception and reaction to failure. - John C. MMaxwell'sSuccess is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill The phoenix must burn to appear. — Janet Fitch Never let success get in your head; never let failure come to you.

Winners are not afraid of losing. But the loser is. Failure is part of the success process. Avoiding failure also avoids success. – Robert T. Kiyosaki succeeds from failure. Frustration and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success. - Dale Carnegie On the road to success, you always have to overcome failure. —Mickey Rooney My grandmother once told me, “Don’t let failure get into your heart, and don’t let success get into your mind.” —Will Smith It’s okay to celebrate success, but it’s more important to Learn from failures. -Bill Gates If you are afraid of failure, you don't deserve to be successful. —Charles Barkley I sincerely believe that it is better to fail at what you love than succeed at what you hate. - George Burns


Learn From Your Failures

“We learn more from failure than from success. Not only do we have to figure out what doesn’t work so we can adjust our future attempts, we learn about ourselves in the process and learn about what may also be A little sympathy for others who are struggling."

But along the way, I learned. I learned from my mistakes. I already know what my strengths are. I know where I want to go professionally. I learned that mistakes don't define me. I learned that untouched, I must fail. And I've learned that even if you fail, it's possible to be better at something.

Failure can teach you humility - one of the best lessons you can learn from failure is the art of humility. Some of the most successful people on earth are also the most humble. Many times you can find your head in the sky when the wind is blowing totowardou. But then an error occurs and you crash. Tough but true. ObFailurean tells you that success is not guaranteed. This helps you stay grounded in the future and shape your personality in the long run.


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