Falling In Love

Falling in love is a phenomenon where ordinary people turn into instant writers. 

Dozens of poems were written for the dream. 

Her language is beautiful, gentle, and full of longing. Understandably, when you fall in love, everything will be beautiful, as beautiful as the series of poets. 

So, what happens when his love fades? Not many. 

At most, she stopped writing. Her poems are forgotten, left behind in the folds of the passing time. 

Then one day, came a new love. 

So she wrote back. Her rhymes and longings were scattered on the floor of the room, making it difficult for her to walk. 

Stuck in the beauty of falling in love. 

And so on until later. It's okay because one day she will stop at one heart. And the past writings will forever be forgotten, though they will never regret it. 


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